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Posts posted by Herdwick

  1. Thank you Andy.


    As far as I can see, the meter is recording correctly the electricity used, but seems to be registered against both a business account and a domestic account, hence 2 bills to 2 different address for the same usage.


    I agree that it is not installed correctly, but British Gas dont seem to care, and have no incentive to act since they are billing twice for one supply.


    If they will not act for the Ombudsman, who can make them do something?

  2. We rent retail premises which has a totally separate flat above it. A box on the wall at the rear of the property contains the electricity meters.


    British Gas were 'kind' enough to update the meters to digital style meters a couple of years ago, leaving the old meters in place but in the process they connected BOTH properties to one new meter.


    This means that British Gas are now billing the tenants of the flat at a domestic rate and ourselves in the shop on a business rate for the same electricity.


    We have it in writing from British Gas that this is the case, despite this, they were unable/unwilling to do anything about it, so we took our case to the Ombudsman.

    The Ombudsman agreed BG should rectify the problem, but it did not happen, BG ignored the request and the Ombudsman tells us they have no power to force BG to carry out their recommendations.


    British gas have promised numerous times to come to meet us at the premises, so we can show them what has been done but never turn up, obviously BOTH bills are incorrect, since each bill is for the electricity used by whole building since there is now only one meter.


    Does anyone at all have any suggestions as to how we can get British Gas to take some action?

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