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Posts posted by Xercise4lessHiddenStaff

  1. lately I've been reading a good few pages of all the bad rep certain X4L gym's have been gotten over the membership situation, I

    decided to post and give some enlightenment to the situation....


    When you cancel your direct debit with the bank,

    you are obviously going to get charged still. and debit....

    Because this i the wrong way to go about cancelling..

    I strongly suggest, you visit the X4L website and cancel that way.


    Also when the sales rep sees you before signing up, they are told not to mention the canceling option....


    All the gym cares about is making a profit....

    The staff are treated like rubbish.



    please do not take any of the issues you have with the direct debit out on the staff,

    they have been fully trained not to answer cancelling questions.



    This problem comes direct from the higher up's who actually own X4L....

    If you have any questions I'll be willing to reply..



    A concerned friend.

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