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Posts posted by V.A

  1. no I tried to declare and was told that as I have not been paid or not worked for or claimed for two weeks then I do not need to declare until the working month and i get paid. which I did. I then got a false tax return and thats how this started. I have never worked and claimed in my life and this is the first time since I was 14 that I have had to claim and thats only due to my accident which left me in a coma for three months and then out of work. The system is set out in such a way that its impossible to get the correct information or talk to anyone who has any. I am only a fully qualified Electrician and do not need to be out of work or harassed by low level office staff. oh and I dont care what they think I walked out of the meeting before signing anything. I only wanted to warn people about the game that is being played I never asked you or anyone to look down their nose or judge me, I tried to be my usual honest self. As you do not know me please keep your ill informed opinion to yourself. Thank you.

  2. hello

    Had one of these today (having read the threads and others before hand) , have been on ESA as well as lowest DLA since 2011 due to head injury, OK I have tried to get back to work but due to injury issues and unsutible working conditions these did not last,now I have been offered up by the taxman even though I tried to notify the DWP before hand yet they only have either a recorded msg or an operator that knows almost very little regardless what information you give, Now the interview started with the "unlawful work issue" and I was honest about it all, brought all relevent paper work (not interested) said he would fill out the form I would check it and sign it...asked questions NOT about benefit, household members, ages, etc, and as he was filling out this form I gathered up all my papers and walked out, now if I go to court so be it, one will not sign paperwork that is not to my benefit and i am happy to involve legal reps but NOT on my own. the law states you have the right to say nothing, these people have no civil or legal rights SO take a solicitor with you and most important SIGN NOTHING. They are out to get you anyway they can. all to get back the pitance they give you, and treat you like a beggar. These people are agency staff, with no paid Hols or sick pay and 3 months they get replaced. Stick to your guns and the truth regardless.

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