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Posts posted by clanger27

  1. I've recently been in the position that's someone has hit me on a mini roundabout once I was already on the roundabout.

    Initially he accepted responsibility, it was dark and heavy rain, he didn't see me etc.

    The day after he reverted what he said and claimed that it was my fault and have in fact gone across him on the round about.


    A witness came forward and texted me confirm that I was in fact on the roundabout and the defendant on the verge.


    Since then (incident in Feb) after proceeding to close the case down my representatives have been in touch and the witness has completely changed what they have said to the other way around!



    I have the texts and shared them,

    however they say it's high risk and I should look to settle!

    Even though I have proof they have changed their statement and shows them to be unreliable.


    I have given my representatives the scene phone which show the resting position of the vechiles, lighting, weather conditions and the specifications of my vehicle to show it would be physically impossible!


    Had anyone else been though this??

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