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Posts posted by wiltguy

  1. I'm not trying to rock the boat.


    The whole point of agreeing the extension was so I knew when I'd be leaving and as a disabled person it would give me sufficient time to sort out somewhere else.


    The issue is we agreed a 6 month extension. All of a sudden he's asking for payment upfront for the 6 months so he's trying to change the terms.


    If I wanted a rolling periodic tenancy I could have just let the AST roll after August so you can see what I'm trying go say.

  2. Thank you for your reply.


    However, why is it hearsay? A verbal agreement regarding something like this is legally binding, even CAB seem to have an opinion that it is? Also in his latest email, isn't he basically admitting that a verbal agreement was made? Because he states that a verbal agreement isn't valid supposedly? He then states you can stay until February, isn't that enough proof that what I have said and what our agreement was is backed up by that email he sent?


    I don't have the cash or a guarantor and none of that was mentioned when the agreement was made.


    I won't be leaving, due to what has happened, if I do receive notice before December then he will have to take it through the Courts, it's not something I have done before and not something I want to do, but due to the circumstances, that's what I plan to do should he do so.


    If he gives me 2 months notice in December to leave in February as agreed then that's no problem.


    Thanks again.

  3. In August last year, I signed a 12 month AST Tenancy that was set up through a letting agency but the Landlord has taken over things since that was set up and signed for.


    In February, I asked the Landlord about extending the Tenancy and also so that should he ever require me to leave the property, I would have sufficient time to find alternative accommodation.


    On 1st March, he inspected the property and was happy withe everything and we talked about a Tenancy extension. We verbally agreed that the Tenancy would be extended by 6 months as of August 2017 when the existing AST would expire and it would then run until February 2018, and that if he wanted to, he could give me two months notice in December 2017 to leave in February 2018.


    We agreed we would do this without us signing a new agreement and without going back through the Letting Agency so no fee's would be involved. Also that the rent would stay the same and I wouldn't have to pay anything else or any extra's.


    So this was all agreed verbally, I wrote down that day what we agreed to cover myself, I also relayed the information to my partner and a friend of mine, the Landlord stated he would send me an email confiriming everything in the near future, he never did.


    I chased him several times and a few weeks ago, he was acting as if the agreement was never made, he now keeps stating he can give me two months notice next month should he wish to do so, also that anytime from the end of August, he could give me a months notice to leave.


    Today he sent another email stating and I will quote the most important parts:


    " When you speak to a solicitor he will tell you that, in the case of housing, verbal agreements aren't valid. This is to protect you.



    Your AST expires on 23rd Aug. I can give notice on 23rd June for you to leave and so can you.



    As I have already stated you can stay until 23rd Feb. However, under the Housing Act , your AST automatically reverts to a periodic tenancy . This means that as you pay your rent monthly the tenancy period is monthly- a rolling contract.



    If you want a 6 month AST, then you can have this but you will have to pay for the AST to be drawn up and pay 6 months rent up front. If you cant pay 6months up front then I will accept a guarantor.



    I am more than happy to talk to your solicitor, CAB or your housing officer if necessary"

    So now he's stating that a verba agreement isn't legally binding, he's still acting as if this agreement wasn't made, but notice he does state that I can stay until 23rd February 2018.


    But now he's stating about signing a new 6 month agreement and paying 6 months upfront or having a guarantor, when the agreement was made, it was made clear that the agreement was to be extended by 6 months and there would be no charges or anything to pay other than the existing rate of rent.


    For some reason and I have no idea why but he is acting like the agreement wasn't made or is just trying to change the terms to get money out of me but regardless this needs to be resolved as I am a disabled person with several long term chronic health conditions and as I only know a handful of people where I am, I cannot be in a position where I only have a month's notice to leave and that was one of the main reason that I asked him round to sort out a Tenancy extension.


    I did speak to CAB today who say I have a case and I have an appointment to see them in a couple of weeks time, however, I wanted some opinions on this from some of you if possible in the meantime.


    Thank you.

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