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Posts posted by Movingforward2017

  1. Hi


    Thank you for coming back to me so quickly.


    I have been paying via stepchange - initially £5 per month, then went to token payments and have this month started paying £5 per month to each creditor again. I've never technically missed a payment in the sense of always given something even if only £1 but the monthly payments are supposed to be £200+ To very alone.


    Very is with nco although when I called them to ask to speak to someone about this issue they said it was nothing to do with them so guessing it's a front and not actually been sold on yet.


    The debts are credit cards and the shop direct account and were all taken out 2010 onwards I think. I've never heard a word from the other debts, never called or hassled me just accepted my situation, defaulted the debts and take what they're given without question.



  2. Hi


    I'm new here so hoping I'm writing in the correct place.



    I was hoping someone could help me with a query I have regarding a shopdirect/very account I have.



    Back story - I fell into financial difficulty a couple of years ago and have 6 creditors and a large outstanding debt balance.



    5 of the 6 creditors have defaulted my accounts and they show as such on my credit file

    however shop direct haven't, it says 'up to date'

    but when you go in to the details there's red marks with differing codes that cover the period since I stopped making the contractual payments.



    Now although I'm the one that's not kept up their end of the deal and not in a position to moan as such I think it's unfair and going to be more detrimental to my credit file in years to come that I haven't been defaulted.



    Am I able to make them back date a default date online with all my other creditors in the hope that in 6 years time I can leave this mess behind me or can they keep this going for as long as they wish,



    the balance has spiralled out of control and I will be lucky to have paid it up in 6 years so feels like I'll have to wait double time to get this to disappear if that makes sense?


    Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

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