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Posts posted by desperadocolombiano

  1. How old is your baby?


    Could you be suffering from the baby blues? Could you talk to a doctor at all, and tell them what happened, that is it out of character and you might need some help??


    All the best to you and your new family! :thumb:


    Baby is 3 months old... I aware of my mental problems. Living alone in another country faraway from my family. I always worked and have my own money since I was 12 years old. Now my husband pays for everything and I feel guilty. I wanted new clothes but I felt guilty with my husband. :( Im going with my GP back to Alabama. Thank you

  2. In the UK we have very strict data laws and you will never see your image posted anywhere in the stores. By next winter they will have completely forgotten about you so you can go back. Just don't do it again as they do keep your details on file and the next time, they may call the police.


    Try not to stress over this. Treat this as a lesson not to be silly again.


    Today I went to the shopping centre with my husband before going back to my house. As I said Im from Colombia but I live in USA.


    However... nothing strange in the shopping centre. My parter saw an star wars baby vest on primark's window and asked me to go and buy it.


    I entered to the shop and I saw in front of me the security guy that took me to the room 10 days ago... I smiled and ta dah!!! Nothing happened.


    Im so grateful for this second oportunity. My husband refused the job in London but has a new one in Newcastle.


    Im never never never going to do something like this.


    Thank you

  3. Thank you.


    My mother lives in a very dangerous place in Colombia... I don't think they want to go there :(


    My actions were terrible Im fully ashamed


    Next winter that one will be my local shop... I guess I can't there anymore. Are they going to remember this incident forever?


    I went yesterday to buy a vest to my baby in another primark same county and I was so scared to find my picture all over the shop but nothing happened. :)


    Thank you for your help

  4. Last week I was shopping with my baby in primark and I shoplift 6 blouses.

    Im from Sudamérica.


    I feel terrible, ashamed, sad.

    It was something terrible to do.


    The guy took me to a room.

    The manager came and she was rude at the beginning but she calm down.

    She ask me for an ID and obviously the only one is from COLOMBIA with my name an address so she noticed I was a tourist.


    She asked me for my fly details and hotel name

    (I didn't have any details of this, can't remember the name of my hotel)

    she never called the Police.


    I ask her if they are going to look for me in COLOMBIA and she said no...

    they never asked for my DOB, name,

    I didn't signed anything and they didnt give me anything.

    They just photocopied my colombian ID


    Im still shaking for this

    I been praying and looking for erase the pain in my heart.

    Im still on holidays here.


    That Day she told me she dont want me in her shop anymore or she will call the Police.

    Im not going to that shop never again.

    That day I asked her if I still can go to the other shops and she said yes but they will checking me.


    Im going next week with my husband to the shopping centre.



    1. If the security guy see me can he call the police because the incident of the week before?


    2. Are they going to look for me in Colombia.


    3. Im going to receive anything in COLOMBIA?

    I stopped living in That place 10 years ago but my Mother still lives there.


    4. Are going to send me to court? My husband has been ofered a job in London for next year so? Im going to have an arrested order?


    Thank you for any help.


    And Im not going to do this disgusting thing never again.

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