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Posts posted by lee.pie

  1. I hope i can get some advise from you people in the know.


    I have recently gone part time in my job plus house husband (health issues) and my wife has gone back to full time work.


    My work pay for my gold card and i pay it back weekly out of my wages.


    The only way we can afford to do this change was sharing my gold card. (last 2 month)


    Today my wife got caught with my gold card and was read her rights.


    She said that she picked up the wrong smart card (even though she hasn't got one).


    They phoned to check and said they would check again at he office.


    They also took my smart card away.


    We are both really scared what is now going to happen!


    Any ideas what will happen to us and my smart card that still has 9 months left on it?


    I know we did a stupid thing but it was the only way we could afford to manage!

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