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Posts posted by Lionheart.RW

  1. Hello 👋


    Thank you so much for your very helpful advise!


    I tottally agree with you and will definetly do my research as you have suggested. If i'm being honest I think I underestimated their power and in the same likness I expected them to take some action from my simple email. How wrong I was.


    I guess I need to get some more official examples and start to formulate a more in depth complaint highlighting my unprofessional experience.


    Ill read up on the customer services guide etc and keep you posted on my next move.

  2. Hello all


    I found this forum after a quick Google and ended up reading into some of the insurance nightmares on here. It seems these big companies prey on the vulnerable and hope you roll over and play dead while they take your money and accuse you for being unlawluff. Their tactics are dirty and un-excusable! My Grandpa always used to say "The bigger the money, The bigger the fiddle". It seems iv found myself in such a dylema!


    Recently I had my beloved original PX 125 Vespa Scooter (Douglas) 1987 Stolen. I paid £1500 for it and only had it for about 12 months.


    The bike was found and recovered from some local yobs who had tottally detroyed it. They had spraypainted it Black (from white) and broke most of the exterior I assume through hotwiring it and giving it a good jor ride. The Scooter was recovered by the insurance company and apparently scrapped.


    Weeks passed and they didnt even contact me, after a few weeks I contacted them to find out what was happenening and they just fobbed me off saying the guy who was dealing with my claim was on holiday and he would be in contact when he returned. I left it a few days again with no response I contacted them to hear the same crap that the guy who was dealing with my claim on this occasion was "NOW OF ILL"!!


    Im sure you can imagine at this stage I started to get slightly aggrevated. About 7 weeks had passed and I they couldnt even give me a curticy call to update me on my claim. Eventually I managed to contact the guy dealing with my claim and after 2+ months I finnally recieved an offer of £850 with an excess deduction of £250 resulting in me only getting £600 for a scooter I paid £1500. Not to mention I only drove the thing twice since purchasing it!!!


    The thing is I bought this scooter cheap and they are selling on ebay and other websites in excess of £2000 so I dont understand at all how they valuated the scooter at £850. Iv never had to make a claim before and have been a long standing customer of MCE for years and I wasnt happy with their offer.


    In turn I decided to send them an email of three screenshots of three scooters that where identical to mine that had sold on ebay recently. This would then give them an idication on how much they where going for and hopefully persuade them to re-evaluate there offer. BUT OHHH NOOOO!


    Out of the three pictures I sent them 2 had sold for over £2000 and one had sold for £1550.... After a couple of days after sending the email I recieved a phone call from the guy dealing with my claim he continued to tell me that because In the email that I sent him I stated that the vespa's where "Exactly Identical" to mine they where marking my insurance void and revoking my offer and closing my case.


    Apparently in the description of one of the Vespas I had sent him from ebay it stated that that particular vesper had an upgrade kit on it making it faster than a 125cc and because I stated they where identical they have conveniently assumed mine also had an upgrade kit on it also and in turn nullifying my insurance because I didnt declare it.


    I proceeded to tell the gentleman that my scooter certainly did not have an upgrade kit on it and I obviously over looked one of the photos I had sent him. He simply continued to tell me there was nothing he could do and that my insurance void.


    And thats pretty much how our conversation Ended.


    Ive recently recieved some bad news regarding my health and at the time of the phone call I wasnt in the right frame of mind to try and defend myself resulting in me ending the conversation. I told them I would be back in touch to discuss further at a later date.



    I know I shouldnt have stated that all the three scooters where "Exactly" identical to mine because they where not. I have obviously chosen a poor sequence of words that they have picked up on and they have penialized me for it. As I mentioned the email I sent was just a guidline to show them the current market value of the bike.


    Surely theres something I can do??

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