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Posts posted by mrswootang1

  1. Thanks Bankfodder :)



    yes everything has been done via email and we have copies of everything!



    They aren't getting away that lightly!



    The parts place have more or less admitted liability anyway on one of their 1st emails to us. S



    o this is just going through the motions really.



    Once we are sorted the insurance/engineer companies will be getting one hell of a complaint email/letter with how we have been treated!

  2. Hi

    on the 28th Dec hubby went off to a parts supplier and picked up a new Oil filter and oil and as usual gave the registration number.



    He brought the parts home and proceeded with the oil change.

    As always before swapping the filters over he holds them up and checks that they are the same size.

    Once in he took the car for a drive and 7 miles later 'bang'.



    We got her home and had a look the following day at what had happened and the bottom crank had knackered up.



    When inspecting the 'new' oil filter we realised that whilst they were very very similar (i'm talking maybe a mm or so difference) the part numbers were also different (by 1 digit).

    On checking the part numbers the 'new' one was for a BMW not a MCS!


    Now we are still waiting the parts place insurance company to come back to us with confirmation of liability.



    The engineer that came out last week was rude and threatening to hubby on the phone

    (mobile to mobile so no proof I guess) and his comment was 'i'll either be your best friend, or your worst enemy!'


    I'm hoping that we see every last penny that we have had to spend out on fixing the car especially as we are now 7wks in since the complaint was put in.



    Anyone give us any advice ? or been in a similar positions?

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