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Posts posted by londonconfidential

  1. Also I should add that a couple days ago I went through the process of cancelling the membership officially online. I used the excuse of relocation. I downloaded a bank statement from online banking which has my London address on it and submitted the ticket. They replied back with


    "Thank you for your email. We have looked into your account and can see that you are in Default. This means that you have either cancelled your direct debit or you have missed a payment. Please call the Membership Support Team on 0113 203 8602 so we can move forward with your cancellation request."


    Trying to give as much information to you guys as I've been reading through the other threads. Honestly so glad I found this forum as I was ****ting bricks on how to pay this off. Literally only have £15 for the next week and after that I will have to ask my parents for more money.


    Student life is not fun.

  2. Moved to Nottingham in September to study at NTU.


    Signed up to Xercise4Less as it was the closest gym to my accommodation. December came around, payment failed due to not having enough money in my acccount and they put an extra £25 admin fee on top. I sent them an email saying that I will be cancelling my membership as I don't want to pay the extra fee. So I left Nottingham to go back home for the Christmas Holidays and came back Tuesday this week to see two letters.


    One of the letter was dated around 9th December which was the day I left to go back home for the holidays, said something along the lines of how I owe Xercise4Less/ Harlands around £100+ due to the failed payments. Second letter dated around 5th January saying how if I don't reply back to them by the 12th January the fee will go up to £200+ and they will pass it onto a debt collecting agency.


    Now I'm a student and I don't have that kind of money. So on the 11th, I called them up and explained the issue of how I wasn't present at the Nottingham address and how I would gladly pay the original £25 extra fee but they refused and said that the £100+ payment was already set. So I agreed to pay £10 every week until the fees were cleared. During this time I won't be able to cancel my membership nor use the facilities. At the same time I have to carry on paying the monthly £15 fees.


    I've seen quite a few posts of people telling others to just ignore them, is that a smart step in this case?

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