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Posts posted by micha2wie

  1. I just checked my licence on DVLA website - 0 points and no fines

    I live on my current address for 2y now - my driving licence and V5c both have my current address.


    I have my licence for 20y - never had any points on it, never got any ticket - have been stopped by Police only 2 times and it was for a routine check (driver licence, V5c, insurance documents), last time was over 11y ago and I had all my documents in order (as I alway have)...

  2. Hello all,


    I received today a letter from "marston High Court Enforcement Officers" :



    Strange thing is that I have NEVER received any letter, information or anything prior to above notice.

    ..but the stranger thing is that I NEVER drove a vehicle without a valid licence

    - besides on the date of this incident (13/06/2016) I was home off sick,

    after being hospitalised for 4 days (doctor gave me a sick note for 2 weeks)

    - I was unable to drive during this time due to heavy dosage of antybiotics & painkilles

    and the fact that my left foot was so swollen that I was almost unable to walk more then few steps

    (I had Cellulitis - which is an infection of the deeper layers of skin and the underlying tissue.).


    I think that this is happening because somebody either with the same name did that offence

    (and in some twisted way it ended up with me)

    or someone deliberately gave my personal information to avoid being fined for this

    ...in any case what are my options?

    How should I proceed with this case?


    Thank you kindly in advance for any helpful information,



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