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Posts posted by Smokey1607

  1. I didn't use a solicitor for my appeal, did it myself. Although I won my appeal I wasn't satisfied but I got nowhere with further action against them because I couldn't find a solicitor who was willing to pursue it and have too much on my plate to waste more time - although its bugging me and I know I should.

    If it is your first appeal then it should be dealt with by the actual Ombudsman and not the oik who turned you down the first time, they're just there to filter appeals and get rid of people as quickly as possible and know bugger all about FS. It's only because I used to work in a bank that I absolutely knew I was right.

    If you're not sure of your position and cant find a solicitor to use then contact Citizens Advice. Is it the same issue I had, Right of First Appropriation, or something else with them?

  2. Long story short.

    After years arguing with RBS I took my complaint to the Ombudsman.

    This was initially thrown out but I knew I was right so appealed and won.



    It's worth knowing that the Ombudsmans caseload is filtered by minions who know nothing about Financial Services and are clearly there just to deter people.



    the RBS had to refund charges,

    pay compensation etc



    the main issue led to other financial problems which led to court action which led to my credit rating being stuffed.



    The FOS say they have no jurisdiction over the Courts so I need to take independent legal action.



    Does anyone know of a solicitors who will pursue the banks?




  3. Thanks guys and to try and answer in sequence of your comments since my post at 10.22:

    Silverfox there was mention of appeal but for a number of reasons I didn't, so not sure if this was an oversight on my part.


    BazzaS I see you answered your own point on the dates and appreciate your information and it seems to make sense to reply on the lines of your post at 11.12. ericsbrother do you agree or do you think ignoring for now is best? I think replying as BazzasS says shows I know whats what (thanks to you guys) and they may just cease without further court threats etc?


    And yes ericsbrother I have been on to DVLA but have had no response yet. I'll chase it up but think they're still within their reply by time frame to my complaint. I see in that last comment you say dont respond to them until I know what DVLA say and then reply as BazzaS says with additional comment based on DVLA?


    Thanks again everyone, just too busy to look into this myself so all your help is massive.

  4. I recently got a ticket at the hospital,

    long story short

    the car park was full but no sign to say so and there were 15-20 cars circling looking for a spot.


    After a good 20-30 minutes someone left and I dived in only to see it was on yellow chevrons at the end of an aisle.


    The car before had no ticket and I couldn't wait any longer so took the risk

    . As it was full I should not have been allowed entry or there should have been a sign to say it was full.


    On the yellow bag is printed Breach of Contract and on the ticket it says Legal Notice of Breach of Contract and its for £60 or £30 if paid within 14 days'.


    I have now received the follow up letter from Trethowans Solicitors demanding payment within 14 days of the letter dated 21st October.


    How am I best to proceed as I think I was allowed into the car park when there was clearly no availability to park?


  5. Hi,

    I recently visited my gran and the car park was completely full and there were 10 or so cars driving around looking for a space. After awhile I stayed in one aisle and eventually someone turned up and moved from the end of a row.

    It was only after I parked and got out that I noticed it was on one of those yellow lined boxes. Hold my hands up I should have moved but it had taken me 20 minutes to get somewhere and as the people before hadn't got a ticket I took a risk which was obviously punished with one of the notices mentioned in this thread: on the yellow bag is printed Breach of Contract and on the ticket it says Legal Notice of Breach of Contract and its for £60 or £30 if paid within 14 days'.

    Is it enforceable and how did you get on with yours?



    ericsbrother 15:54 Today

    well, you wait and see if they send you a notice to keeper. Ths should arrive between 29 and 56 days after the parking date so let us know when it does and we can comment. Star a new threadicon though, this is 2 years old and a lot changes in time so what is said here may not apply.

  6. Hi,

    I recently visited my gran and the car park was completely full and there were 10 or so cars driving around looking for a space. After awhile I stayed in one aisle and eventually someone turned up and moved from the end of a row.

    It was only after I parked and got out that I noticed it was on one of those yellow lined boxes. Hold my hands up I should have moved but it had taken me 20 minutes to get somewhere and as the people before hadn't got a ticket I took a risk which was obviously punished with one of the notices mentioned in this thread: on the yellow bag is printed Breach of Contract and on the ticket it says Legal Notice of Breach of Contract and its for £60 or £30 if paid within 14 days'.

    Is it enforceable and how did you get on with yours?


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