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Posts posted by howardsefton

  1. I thought I would update this as some time has passed and I managed to finish up with Vodafone to some degree.

    I sent the letter before action via registered post, unsurprisingly, I received no reply.

    I had also sent an email to the CEOs office prior and they did eventually reply, and appear after trying a few times to have fixed my Credit Record but would not offer any compensation as was not a Vodafone customer.

    Following the LBA, I issued a claim via smalls claim (very simple) and about two weeks later, I did finally receive a phone call (again from the Director's office complaints rather than regular customer services).

    They made me an offer, which I negotiated a bit and accepted rather than actually going to Court.

    I think clearly the lesson learned is that in my case nothing happened without following through on legal action, although this would have been significantly cheaper for them, had they not got it wrong in the first place!

  2. Hello,


    I just found this forum after many months of battling Vodafone over the same issues where they have been billing me for an account that I cancelled immediately after receiving the phone (which arrived two months late)


    I am tracking my Equifax credit score via clear score and following an email to chief exec, I was called with a promise that it would be fixed this month, but I have checked this morning and the missed payment is still there, it also includes that I have made two payments on time (which I haven't, but I am not bothered about this so much).


    Thus far I think I have:

    - Sent them 2 letters

    - had live chats

    - called about 10 times

    - engaged with the ombudsmen however they are also painfully slow.

    - Been sent letters by Vodafone of them threatening to sell my debt.


    I have kept all the records and notes and have quite the pack now, so I am wondering if I need to a SAR or not at this stage?


    I don't know if Lee may be able to help, or if its not worth bothering and I should just head straight to an LBA? Clearly Vodafone is in breach of its duties to me in terms of maintaining accurate records and data.


    Bilbo-k - could you possible share your LBA with me on the post (obviously with personal details removed!).


    This has been going on since November last year, does anyone have a view on what a good level of damages is to request? I was thinking about £500 given all the time inconvenience and stress this has caused?


    Many Thanks,



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