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Posts posted by jasongearhart

  1. Sorry about the length of this post but this was just beyond a joke.


    Three years ago my car was seized by Newlyn PLC.


    Here are the cirmumstances that I am not sure about the legality of it:


    1) The vehicle was clamped at 8:49 on a friday evening and removed from a public road 21 miles from my home.


    I thought when on a public road they had to wait 2 hours before removing the vehicle if the keeper is not present.

    If those two hours occur after 9 at night and 7 in the morning they are supposed to wait for the next working day.


    2) Due to moving house when the PCN was issued (I admit I did forget about it) I did not recieve any notifications.


    Even though I reregistered the vehicle to my new address Newlyn & Harrow council sent the notices of enforcement to the wrong address.

    The warrant was to the incorrect address yet after the seizure they managed to find the correct address to send furthur fine notices to.


    I thought having the incorrect address on the warrant of seizure made it invalid.


    3) This was my work vehicle and was only worth around £600.

    I was and still am self employed.

    This was explained to the individual that seized the vehicle and I was told it was tough luck and they had every right to take it.


    I understood that tools (Which were in the vehicles boot) & vehicles related to work that are valued at under £1000 could not be removed.


    I raised a complaint with the office who claim at no point did I tell them that this is a work vehicle since they record all calls.

    I explained that I had as per their instructions contacted their enforcement agent.


    4) I could not afford to pay all the fees so had to let them auction the vehicle off.

    I told them to come and collect the keys and the logbook.

    They refused (By Phone) and hit me with locksmith and DVLA Fees.


    The DVLA Fees are a joke as the next point will tell you.


    5) Around 2 weeks after the vehicle was auctioned off I started receiving Bus lane & Parking tickets from bradford MDC.

    I naturally contested these and send the proof of seizure & auction to bradford MDC.


    Bradford told me that this proof was insufficient and that I was still the registered keeper of the vehicle so was liable for all fines in relation to the vehicle.


    This I believe is incorrect

    the problem is I had to pay them due to the fact that Bradford MDC has taken out orders of liability against me while the appeals were still being processed.

    Do all councils tear up the rule book when it comes to money?


    DVLA would not take any action or help me with this situation since I did not have the new keepers details.

    Newlyn would not disclose them.

    When I questioned how I was supposed to send DVLA notification all I recieved was a

    "We Comply fully within the law"

    crap they give as a catchall.


    I think this one £65 parking ticket ended up costing me directly & indirectly over £5000.


    I know there is no way to get anything back since the industry is legalised theft

    but is there any way to make life uncomfortable legally for companies like Newlyn PLC.


    This is not about getting even and is more about trying to enforce change in both councils & the collection industry.

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