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Posts posted by PaulFortune

  1. Do you know if the site says 'permit holders only' and is there any signs that state that you must display the permit? Not that it matters. I would continue to ignore until such time a Letter Before Claim/Action or court papers arrives.


    Take pictures of any signs near to where you park. As I said, find out who the parking contract is with (the landowner?) and demand its cancellation. If your firm is the only one that is allowed to use the car park, it is likely they will have contracted them to issue parking charges.


    Signs are clear and visible. Yet my plea to them was to not deal in fact yet have consideration. Obviously I was soo wrong!! I know who the landowner is the. At park serves several companies yet I will call them tomorrow. Can they cancel the PCN?

  2. By taking them seriously you have identified yourself as the driver and thus the debtor. If you hadnt they would have no basis for any claim against you as the keeper of the vehicle.

    They dont have a good nature, they are mostly less than honest in their business activities in one way or another and I suspect that the permit system is an administrative convenience and they have no authority to do or say anything to those who are authorised to be there but will maek it look like they have some god given right to demand cash from you.

    Thir next step is to use a dca to make threats to get you to pay up. The amount they ask for will undoubtedly be more than the original amount but ask yourself what credit agreement dod you sign that allows this additional fee to be charged? When you realise the answwer to that you then know how their whole business works, insinuation, threats, lies etc.


    Thanks for your reply. So the fact that I have contacted them means I won't have a chance of not paying this? I did think how they can advise that my centres it would be effected if taken to court as I haven't entered into a credit agreement.


    Pay or ignore? Still undecided. I suppose worst case they take me to court surely the court will say this is unjust and simply a waste of mine and their time due to having a permit.

  3. Hi and welcome to CAG


    In my opinion, the fact you have a permit supersedes any authority this tin pot company have.


    As far as I can tell, this company are members of the IPC who have very little interest in the motorist however, a check shows that they took NO court action last year and so far this year, the number is still the same.


    An example of why I believe the IPC are biased

    Gladstones Solicitors appoint adjudicators to their 'independant appeals service' The adjudicators are anonymous so we have no knowledge whether they actually know what they are doing.


    The IPC is run by the same directors as Gladstones.


    Gladstones assist some of the car park companies in court cases (how can they say they are impartial?)


    The IPC do not follow the guidance laid down in the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 in appeals but when they go to court they do try.



    EDIT. I have unapproved the document as you have left the reference number on it.


    Thanks for your reply,


    Sorry about leaving the reference on.


    So how can I check if they have taken anyone to court? I did ask them this and they said they had 3 cases currently going to court. Should I pay or see if they take me to court? If they do what are my chances in winning. I do have a valid permit yet they state as it wasn't visible any other circumstances are irrelevant.


    It's stressing me out thinking shall I pay it to just stop all the hassle etc. Yet I suppose that's probs why they do it. Just seems like they are bullying me into paying and have no real concern for any other circumstances.

  4. Hello and welcome to CAG.


    These cases don't often go to court, I wouldn't worry about that at this stage. As you say, debt collectors have no powers.


    The guys should be along later with advice for you. Is it possible to upload the letter minus any identifying details, please? It could be helpful to see it.


    My best, HB


    Hi thanks for your quick reply, I have taken a photo of the letter yet can't seem to upload it to the thread. I only have my phone

  5. Hi all,


    Well where to start!



    I was issued a parking. Charge notice by NPS on 27th December.

    I parked in a car park my work has use of with a valid permit.



    On the 27th I displayed my permit yet this must have fallen of the dashboard

    as after I left work I noticed the notice fixed to my window.



    I didn't appeal within the timescale set for a few reasons

    yet mainly as I assumed that they where Cowboys.



    Despite trying to appeal to their good nature in saying that

    I HAVE a valid permit yet it simply fell off, they are sticking to fact that no permit equals a fine

    and that I have broken the "contractual law" of the car park.



    They also state that they do not have to charge a justifiable figure nor does it have to simply cover losses.


    I now have 7 days before they will refer this to debt recovery ( I know they can not chase me for money)

    yet I am concerned this may go to court and if I lose be left with a considerably higher cost simply f

    or not having my permit displayed correctly.

    Would totally agree to an pay if I was parking without no permit at all.


    I really need some support and guidance with how to now progress.

    NPS will not issue a rejection letter as I haven't appealed in 28days.



    I have been told my charge is NON POFA. Does this make for a better case?


    Please help

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