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Posts posted by Opera14

  1. Actually I just did a free credit check online and my score is 423/700


    You have no Court or Insolvency data

    You have no accounts in Default or Repossession

    You have been on the Electoral Roll at your current address for a long time

    You have very few / no accounts in arrears

    You have very few / no secured loans or mortgages that have been in arrears

    Your current Telecoms balance is relatively low



  2. To be honest I can just bank with someone else like I have done in the past but I am just utterly amazed by this; you'd think that they would accept my business with open arms but instead no one is able to provide me with a reason as to why my account is being closed (apparently it's confidential)...I can't possibly think what it would be...I have never defaulted or been late on a payment and I only recently acquired a mortgage (with a different bank) so you'd think that if I can get that through the door then there should not be any credit issued at all...and with regard to money laundering well the only income into my account is paid by Barclays themselves so surely there cannot be any questions asked surrounding that!

  3. Hi, very frustrating situation here. I recently signed up for a Barclays current account and opted for a full current account switch whereby my old account was closed. After only a couple of weeks Barclays issued a notice to close my account but did not state why. Despite this, they still went ahead and processed the entire account switch and now my old account is closed, all my direct debits etc are coming out of the new account but of course my debit card does not work, I can't access any of the cash and Barclays have said they are going to close it (this was meant to happen on 10th March but my account still looks like it's open and I can see everything online). I've contacted them multiple times, been into branch, submitted multiple complaints but no one is able to tell me why or when the account is being closed. The most bizarre thing is I'm a Barclays employee and I have been for 3.5 years so I don't understand why they can employ me but not give me a bank account to which I'd put in salary paid by Barclays themselves! Any advice on what to do? I just don't know who to contact as no one from Barclays is willing to help me out with this situation (and I do not work for the retail bank).

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