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Posts posted by luckyme66

  1. i was in barclays nearly 2 hours while they checked out my ids and photo copied the poa

    the issue isnt with releasing the bond as it matures agian on the 10 april im told due to the circumstances they wil release it

    barnch cant do it

    the problem i have is that barclays legal team are saying it takes 10-15 days to inspect the poa then anout 5 working days to send me cards online banking etc

    james from head office says when the leagal team receive it he will do everything he can to escalate it for me


    so now i wait

  2. deposit £8,280 and yes be liable


    barclays cancelled the appointment its been rearranged for friday 12 30


    this morning barclays head office senior decisions man rang me

    said he s dealing with it

    asked me to repeat everything agian

    he said he will do everything he can to help me and will ring the branch im going to on friday and explain

    but they need to see the poa first


    thats something i guess

  3. i have the poa and im seeing barclays later today


    ive still not heard from my complaint to head office


    do i mention to the branch lady im seeing today about the bond and exolain and hope they transfer it and are understanding?

  4. until i have the poa in my hands i dont think they l tell me much just that customer services said it would seem like its auto renewed that's all they could tell me


    on barclays website its says you cant access the money unless your dead or bankrupt! which we will be if they dont release the money!

    customer services said all calls are recorded they do have an extreme circumstances policy and mine certainly comes under that

    thats just the word of a person on the phone though


    my complaint is taking a long time to get back to me

    i guessing it will be in writing and not a phone call?

    i wrote letter on the 5th feb to leicester head office that's what the fca said to do

    and i emailed bob cliff on same day

    all i know it the matter has gone to the senior decisions maker


    time is running out

  5. my dad thought it was available thats why he didt know that it could be possibly renewed

    im waiting to hear from heads office even if they agree will the branch believe me and ttrasnfer it there and then? or will head office do it automatrically


    im not sure the branch will take my word for it thats it can be trasnferred if head offce agree and do it there and then?

    once i pick up the lpa i hope tomorrow as i made an appointment with barclays for tues afternnon surely the cedrtified copy signed by a solicitor is good enough? and as for wanting to send the poa off the their specialist to inspect it it a bit ott?


    we need this money transferring and cannot wait 10 working days while they inspect the documents

  6. can someone please help


    my father filled in a lpa in 30 sept

    i had a letter from the opg saying is was registered on the 5th feb

    and was sent via courier to the solicitors



    im hoping i can pick it up mon depending when the solicitor gets the document

    was sent via a courier on the 9th taking ages



    this is my problem


    i am to be my dads full time carer he has early onet dementia and is disabled hence the poa


    we are buying a house together and its an auction proprty which means you have to move with 28 days paid deposit

    so only 26 days left to complete before solicitor takes rest of money


    my dad has a savings bond in barclays which matured last april and says available on his bank statements,

    but when my dad went to transfer it to his current account,

    it said no its not matured



    im told banks write and give 3 weeks notice that a bond is maturing so you can move it

    but i cannot find any letter saying that as far as dads concerned its his money and available


    it would seem its auto renewed itself



    the rpb is we need that money transferring to his current account now

    as its needed upon completion on the 29 feb


    i rang customer services

    of course without my name on account as poa they cannot discuss this matter

    it has been registered im waiting to pick it up


    i emailed the fca who advised me to write to head office with evidence of house sale

    which i did on the 5th feb with 2 first class stamps on



    i was also advised to email the head man bob cliff

    i did that too and got an email back from another member of barclays

    saysing he s dealing with my compaint and he asked for dads name etc



    he said my complaint will go to the decisions maker who will let me know.



    surely this is exceptional circumstances?

    its not dads fault it auto renewd itself?

    and if we dont get the money he may well go bust/sued/homeless



    im presuming its auto renewed for another year menainh its up in april

    still no good need it before 29 feb we re slosing sleep here its so stressful


    why are they taking so long


    another thing

    i rang up barclays to tell then i will be coming in next week to register the poa at the bank


    i got a snotty woman asking me for all sort of id and said once they see the original poa

    the need to send it to their specialit team to check its genuine!! really!

    and this takes 10 working days!!



    then i need another appointment so they can add me to his account

    they need his permission for me to do this



    isnt that the whole point of a poa!!!

    and it will take another 2 weeks to get a debit card cheque book etc


    sorry about the rant

    they have got me sooo angry!



    im not trying to steal form dad,

    im looking after him



    all i want them to do is transfer the bond to his current account thats all!

    help please

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