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Posts posted by robbo12

  1. I forgot to add I know it will be based as fraud. As much as I know I was in a head in the sand way I did get renewal letter which I just sent back and never changed. So regardless of my state of mind it won't come away without it being fraud. I don't know the fact I had a baby in the time will make it worse even though I never claimed for him.

  2. Hi thanks for the reply,

    My partner is living with me now yes. And no they haven't contacted me about overpayments but I know the time my parent was with me I shouldn't have got the tax credits. So I don't know the exact amount but I know it will be a lot. I just now can't live with it over my head that they will investigate at any time and I just want to start paying it back. I know it will be over 15000 I owe. I don't know the exact amount but my patner earns too much for us to qualify for any tax credits. Which I know sounds worse but he is in a lot of debt himself from loans etc. I am just terrified of a long process.


    Can I just ask have they contacted you about an overpayment or did you voluntarily contact them because you think you are not eligible for the amount being paid to you? Is your partner living with you now and has he been gainfully employed during the period you have claimed. I would waiit until you get paperwork from HRMC and find out how much they say you owe before making any payment proposals. You might find it useful to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau and ask for their advice If fraud is suspected it doesn't always end up in court so it is best to take it one day at a time
  3. Hi,




    I have been claiming as single parent of my two eldest children since May 2013.

    I since had another baby i did not claim for.



    I wont go into the stupid excuses (im sure everyone has reasons but the fact is we claim wrongly)



    head in the sand as i had pnd which carried onto depression and i just never stopped the payments.



    My husband did move out the past year but i have no proof so will have to accept this as part of the timescale.

    I think the amount could be as much as £27,000.


    I have a written a letter to them - I'm not being investigated.



    i have own up to the times and dates.

    I want to pay back as much as i can afford per month and have as small as it seems £1400 now that I wan to transfer to them.


    I have been reading lost of cases for this high amount that can

    go to court and end up some in prison.



    Prison I couldn't deal with - a suspended sentence I could

    but its the length of time it will take to get there an the standing in court

    - I just dont know if I can cope with this anxiety(as much as I know I deserve it).


    I know its a large amount - and I know anything over £10,000 is a high possibility for court.

    But is there any chance from people knowledge that It could be just dealt with in a civil prosecution?


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