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Posts posted by goldteeth6125

  1. I spoke to a woman from CAB and she told me I should pay the money to DWF as they are real solicitors and Sainsburys is a big organisation I dont want to get in trouble with...


    the letter says the burden of proof is lower in civil courts and they can demand civil recovery losses- but I didnt cause them any losses??.. i do not want to go to court but have had two letters demanding payment

  2. This has just happened to me! Diid you pay DWF? im terrified. the police believed me that it was a genuine mistake so why am I receiving these scary letters from DWf.

    I didnt even leave the shop but CAB have told me I should pay the £150-seems ridiculous for a letter saying 'amount of goods taken- £0, amount of damage - £0 and security costs £150


    Please help me I am not sleeping and do not want to go to court!


    After a self-scanning mistake (£3 vegetables unpaid on a £20 shop) the police were called and believed me that it was a mistake.

    There was no mention of RLP to pay but now sainsburys have banned me from their stores for life (a joke!?) and DWF are sending me letters asking for £150 or they will take me to court.


    I am terrified and not sleeping. The letter seems ridiculous as I didnt even leave the shop with any 'stolen' goods- the security stopped me before the exit doors. The police also didnt fine me or caution me, just wrote me a stop and search note.


    Can DWF claim this money? I cannot have a criminal record and do not want to go to court for a self-scanning error. I will never use the self-scanning tills again and feel badly treated by sainsburys.


    DWF are real solicitors so can they legally ask for these costs? Surely sainsburys didnt lose any money on my behalf or have to pay the security guards extra to rudely interrogate me.


    Also surely the supermarket has no right to retain my details or pass them on?


    Please help put my mind at rest. thanks

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