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Posts posted by sawbo68

  1. I have received an email from Diego authorising legal proceedings.


    Your file will now be prepared and referred to our solicitors, Bailoran, to commence proceedings.


    Please be aware that legal/solicitors fees and court costs will be applied to the balance and be recovered via the European Payment Order that we will apply to the court for.


    At this late stage payment in full of the outstanding debt, €4971.36, is required to prevent this course of action.



    We have been instructed by our client RIVE0016 in relation to your outstanding balance.


    We are a debt collection agency and our appointment is an indication of the seriousness of this matter.


    Please contact our office urgently to discuss the payment of this account within 7 days from the date of this letter.



    We are happy to communicate via telephone, email, letter or SMS should you have a preference.


    If for any reason you feel you do not owe this debt or any information we hold is incorrect,

    you must let us know immediately to avoid inappropriate action being taken against you.


    We look forward to hearing from you within the next 7 days.


    If you have any queries, please get in touch.


    I spoke to on 20/10/2014 who advised that the keys were returned to the bank and the property was repossessed in 2007,

    the email you have now sent states repossession took place in 2009.


    I asked for any documentation to support the repossession in 2007 so I could ask the administrators to investigate this further

    but unfortunately advised that she didn’t have any paperwork to support this claim.


    The administrators have investigated the matter fully with both the bank and the notary in Spain

    and are satisfied that the actual repossession was in 2011 and as such the bank have paid the community for their liability.


    The remaining debt stands at €4971.36 and remains your liability which is why you are still receiving contact.


    I will liaise with our client to confirm if they are happy to progress this to a legal claim against you

    as I can see no further way forward with you claiming the money is not owed and our client advising that it is your liability.


    These are a couple of the emails I received from them I did liaise with them last year

    and disputed the debt we handed our keys back in 2007

    and the bank have never sent any paper work or repossession letters

    as we returned to the Uk and have not received any thing form the bank



    only from the Uk debts collectors acting on behalf of Murex the community charge company,

    and I assumed the property had been repossessed around this date

    so I am not clear why they are saying I said 2009



    they are saying the bank did not repossess until 2011 which is quite along time to leave until repossession.



    I suppose it is a waiting game to see if they get back incontact with legal proceedings.

  2. I have not really had any previous debts like this as usually sort out with a repayment plan

    so I just wanted wanted to clarify the position with baliffs etc



    as what I think should happen they should go to court first and only after a order they can send in baliffs etc.



    Also with regards statue barred I am not too sure if Spain follow the same principle as us or not.


    I will keep you posted to see what happens if we do recive court proceedings etc

  3. Hi Thank you for your email

    I have received another email from them this morning


    stating they are going to start legal proceedings and they will put all ther costs on the the 4,900 euros and apply for a European Payment order.


    I have spoken to a Spanish solictor and they are going to look into it but said they can apply for a EPO order



    I wanted to know if anyone else had been chased for a old community charge debt and if we can dipute the amount oweing etc

    as if they did get a epo order

    would it have to go the uk courts

    and could we dispute the amount

    and pay in instalments if they did get the order



    as we have not got this amount of money to and Spain has been a omplete disaster for u

    s as we have lost all our money from the money we put into the Spanish home and it has been a complete disaster.

  4. I wanted to ask if anyone could give me some advise on unpaid Spanish Community charge debts.


    We handed in our keys back to the bank in Spain 2007

    and we understand the bank did not repossess the property until 2009.


    We purchased the property in 2005 and paid some of the community fees

    but the amount they are saying is well over what they are saying.



    The Uk debt collector contacted me last year and I disputed the amount

    but I have received another letter today saying we are still liable as the property was not repossessed until 2009

    we are still liable for the unpaid community charges from 2005-2007.



    We have not received yet any official Spanish court information for the unpaid community charge

    or any letters from a UK court.



    Does any one know if they can take UK proceedings against us as

    we have not got this amount of money to pay this amount

    and are also disputing the amount as well.



    If any one has any advice please could you reply

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