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Posts posted by Mulvant1969

  1. In 2007 I took out a Term deposit account prior to moving to Australia.

    Over the first 5 years I rolled over the maturity of the account and received good communication about options.



    However since 2013 I never received any paper work although they have known my Australia address

    as I have a normal deposit account and receive regular statements.



    In past few months I have requested my funds from the term deposit account to find I am not entitled to the money until May 2016

    as they have rolled i into a new policy with a new policy number which I still do not know what it is?



    On numerous calls and letters from me all I receive is a response to say in the terms and condiditions I cannot receive the funds until maturity and or on death.

    I was sold the product in 2007 with the intention of if I need the money available to me I could access

    however would loose interest if I did.



    It seems that Clydesdale Bank have changed their terms and conditions which I have not agreed to

    or even signed any paperwork for them to open a new policy number etc..



    I am at a loose end now and had enough talking to Clydesdale branch staff

    and now look to send the CEO Mr Duffy a letter as a matter of urgency to resolve the situation

    as it is stressing my family and I out and we need the funds to purchase property in December 15.



    Does anyone have any ideas on how best to approach?




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