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Posts posted by Salamence91

  1. If the assessment is ended very quickly, i.e. without going through every descriptor, it's usually a good indication that you meet at least one support group criteria.


    He just asked me how my mental health affected me, so i told him straight, intact he saw for himself how it affects me. I didn't hold anything back, then I told him how when i was last employed [2012], I told him i got fired for raging at a colleague! and then that seemed to be enough for him and told me i wasn't fit for work.


    My cousin did ask what group he thought id be in, he said he couldn't say but the DM will deffo put me in a group.


    so I'm just sat waiting anxiously wondering which group I'm in, if I am in any! all these thoughts in my head. ugh!


    But yeah thanks for the messages guys, oh and thanks for merging the topic, i was in auto pilot so just made a new topic

  2. Hey guys, I posted in september saying how I had an home visit! my GP, CPN and Psych all stalled them and allowed me time to think about it all! and the other week i got a letter saying I needed one on the 27th November. I thought I would be brave and face it. They had enough evidence sent so i guessed it would be just if anything to clarify it all.


    I actually had probably one of the most genuine GPs come to visit me [yeah i know... its hard to beileve]. I had a major attack of paranoia and rage as soon as he stepped in the door. Anyway he asked me how the mental health conditions affect me so I told him straight.


    Then he ended the assessment quite quickly and said "You are not fit for work I'm gonna send this to the DWP" my cousin asked "So you got an indication of what group she will be in?" and he said "Oh thats the DMs choice"


    So yeah as you can guess, i can't help but feel he's calling my bluff! I've asked all my support team what they think and they told me that he wouldn't play games with me [again hard to believe] but he wouldn't of said that if he did think i was. but i just generally feel that I can't relax till i get this result. My minds like "What if he's called your bluff?" "what if he's just having you on?"

    but everybody has said that its pretty much in the bag. But to be honest i just don't know what to believe.


    I just want this misery and anxiety out of the way. I just want to know what group I'm in. Im literally not sleeping at night because i am so bloody anxious. My paranoia is also sky high thinking that he's tricked me.


    So yeah, what do you guys think?


    Should I get myself ready for the biggest fall of my life and ready to fight for the appeal or do you think its in the bag?


    Thanks so much and thanks so much for the advice in my other thread! i actually went back to read that all again before my home visit :p



  3. Update: I had a doctors appointment the day before and saw how agitated I was so he wrote a letter of urgency for my CPN to send off to tell them having this assessment is not on due to my issues. So my Cpn came up to see me, she rang maximus and told them what's happened. And they told her to fax the stuff off and I won't Need an assessment after all.. All brilliant right?


    Wrong. Here I am a month all and the idiots are claiming they haven't received anything. I've seen proof that Its been faxed. And they are denying they received it. I called them today saying I've seen the conformation and they are still denying it. I naturally lost it with them and the lady took my CPns number to ring her.


    So now im confused. Im angry and stressed out. I don't know what's going on and don't know what to do. Do I complain about there incompetence or just give it up? Its all seems a lost battle to me. I just can't cope with the lies and the denial. I don't know if them ringing my CPN is gonna make a difference... If they really have?


    Anyway any advice?

  4. After many cancellations and a strongly worded letter from my GP and support worker instead of putting me in a group I've got a home visit on thursday and my anxiety and anger is flowing like mad! I don't know how to deal with this interigation in my own home. I have a feeling I'll be that scared of them I will rage as soon as I open the door to them


    I really don't know how to cope with this on thursday. I've read so many horror stories all over the Internet and I'm frightened that I will be the next person to write the next horror story! I'm just so terrified. I can't face the interigation! What happens if they hit my last nerve and I snap? I can't cope with all this!


    Please help me, give me advice. I'm generally so scared and so angry about all this!


    I just wish I didn't have to deal with this crap. I've already got other worries on top of this rubbish





    PS I have BPD, depression anxiety and other things to be diagnosed by psych

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