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Posts posted by Coffeebreak

  1. Surely I can force him to spend money on the house as it states in my tenancy agreement that he is to provide the means for the property to have heating and hot water?

    'Whichever heating was present when you tenanted the property the landlord is obliged to maintain and repair to 'proper working order'. Boiler breakdown is a prioritory 1 repair- 24 hours. A heating breakdown is prioritory 2, 5 days. These are fully enforceable.'

    We are looking for somewhere else to live but this close to xmas we really don't have x amount to pull out for bonds and rent in advance, does anyone?


    The letting agent is employed by the landlord to manage the property but in my opinion doesn't 'manage' very well.....

    I will call the local environmental health department tomorrow and see what they come up with.

    I guess I just don't want to become a 'problem' tenant' but I also don't want to go at least another week no further forward with when it will be fixed.

    Is 2 weeks a reasonable amount of time to expect it to be fixed?

  2. This is a bit of a long one but would love some advice.


    I reported my boiler broken a week ago today to my letting agency, it's an old back boiler and the water tank that feeds into the boiler was leaking really badly. I realised this when I went to switch on the heating and hot water and it kept tripping the electricity.


    I did the usual thing of phoning up the letting agency who got the landlords (he lives in newzeland) approved plumber round to have a look.... Then the fun started! The plumber took one look at it and said no way could he do a 'quick fix' and would let the letting agency know. He did and then came back the next day to price the job.


    He said there is 2 options, a full replacement system (combo boiler) or to replace the existing water tank. He then went on to tell me that although he would give the letting agency the quotes no work will be done until the landlord pays them the money he owes off the work they did when the boiler went off last year! Now this is 3 years in a row the boiler has given up and 3 times the plumber/gas engineer has told the landlord that the boiler needs replaced!


    So now it's been a week and I've just been informed off the letting agent that the landlord wants another quote from a different company, ok he is entitled to more than one quote but I'm currently freezing and apparently it's an emergency as it has interfered with the electrics!


    I honestly could go on and on but it's pretty obvious that my landlord doesn't like spending money. I've lived here for 4 years, pay my rent every month and apart from the 3x boiler problems and a broken shower I don't complain about anything preferring to fix the little things myself like replacing a broken curtain pole and stuff like that.


    Last year it took him almost 6 weeks to get the boiler fixed and I really don't want to wait that long again, I bought electric radiators to try and keep the place warm and when I asked the letting agent if there was any chance that he (the landlord) would compensate me for the extra electricity his final response was 'why?


    She's saving money on gas that can pay for the extra electric!' Kinda proves my point about what kind of man he is.


    So any advice on where I stand and what I can do to hurry him up would be massively appreciated.

  3. Thanks mikeymack2002


    I've check on my local council website and there is only this years council tax outstanding and the payments that have been made (which are the same as what is on my wage slips) so I've got no worries there.

    I will give them a call and ask closer to the time as I will have to tell them my change of address anyway so they know I'm no longer liable for the council tax here. I just hope they don't take forever to sort it out.

  4. Sorry if posting in the wrong place


    Ok, I have a liability order for my council tax which has resulted in an attachment of earnings.

    I'm not disputing it, It's my fault for not paying it and not contacting the council when I couldn't pay it and ignoring letters etc.

    My question is, the liability order is for this years council tax on this property. I am moving in with my partner next month so won't be liable for the council tax from November but the whole year is included in my liability order.

    Will my local council automatically adjust it or do I have to apply to the court?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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