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Posts posted by gladamatim

  1. Hi



    Need help for my sister in law.



    She is being harassed by a elderly couple who are Jehovah witnesses and its now getting scary in my opinion.

    In 3 days they have came to her door 3 times and have said they will come a fourth time. She has asked them not to call again the first time but they said she needs saving by god and they cant do that.

    I am getting concerned as she is visibly pregnant with baby due in April. She has a 1 year old daughter in the house and 4 other children who live there.



    Anyway they came by Monday saying they are concerned about her as they have been watching her and the kids and the only male who Goes to the house is the postie and her 2 male children. They gave her leaflets and said they would continue to watch her. She asked them to leave and not call back. They said they would leave but continue to watch her to make sure she is alright and try and save her.



    Tuesday they knocked saying they were worried about the children having no male role model living in the house and she told them to mind there own business, leave and not come back they left but they claimed her kids need saving and they will continue to watch them. a few hours later they returned shoving more leaflets threw the door.



    Today they have returned saying they are worried about the family as she is not married and clearly needs saving and only their help and god she can be saved. Her reply to them as l was married but my ex husband would hit me and the kids and as result he has left. They replied saying that the kids and her said she had obviously done wrong in gods eyes and that he was teaching them a lesson as per gods will. She understandably was angry at this point and told them to ****off. They called threw the letter box saying they will continue to watch them and be back with a bible and someone to help her and be a role model to the kids tomorrow.

    She has called the police but the local officer seems to think they are harmless and can confirm that when they checked no one was watching the house. She is now frightened and wants something done.



    What do u advise.


    First things first. The Postie needs to put a rubber on it. Secondly, tell them she is Roman Catholic. That'll scare them off as once a Catholic always a catholic and they will realise they are wasting their time.

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