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Posts posted by Naive91

  1. Thank you for your reply SilverFox1961.


    I have advised the Officer dealing with the case of the issues I face and he's been nothing but understanding of the matter; although I hope you can appreciate the stress it continues to cause.


    While I admit that it was naive at worst, I was in a rush and I perhaps should've left the trolley with an assistant but as mentioned I struggle to communicate verbally at times; even more so after the stress of trying to shop on a busy Saturday afternoon.


    I have posted a written statement to the Officer although I've been told that there's still a requirement for an interview. As I hadn't left the store, what is the likely outcome of the interview? Any advice would be much appreciated.

  2. I was stupidly accused of shoplifting at a local Sainsburys store after using the Scan and Go system.


    As my Visa Electron card doesn't work on Chip and Pin machines in supermarkets, I'm forced to use cash at all times during transactions.

    I naively scanned half of my shopping and paid for it with the cash I had in my wallet

    and moved towards the exit of the store with the intention of leaving my trolley within sight of the ATM machine

    so that I was able to withdraw cash to pay for the remainder of my shopping.


    It was at this point I was apprehended by 2 Security Guards and the Store Manager

    and asked to go out the back while my trolley was scanned again as it was believed I hadn't paid for my entire shopping, which on the face of it was true.



    I suffer from anxiety and depression meaning that I struggle to communicate and as I was being questioned on shoplifting allegations

    , I was accused of shoplifting and felt unable to communicate and defend myself in front of this audience and felt belittled.



    I naively thought that if I admitted to the accusation and offered to pay the outstanding balance on my shopping then I would be free to go. I was wrong.


    The Police were called and I have now been summoned for interview at a local Police station.

    As I hadn't actually left the store, are they going to be able to prove that I had the intention of shoplifting and failing to pay for my goods?

    I offered to make full payment on several occasions despite my admission and it's only my own naivety that's got me into this mess.


    Help!! I'm so scared of this interview!

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