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Posts posted by magicmerlz

  1. Hi all


    Can one of the mods tell me how to make a donation - as when I click the button at the top of the page it goes to paypal but there is no info in the - 'make payment to' box, i think that there should be an e-mail address or something.


    Also can one of the mods change my title to ***WON*** please.





  2. Hi Wardy


    Yes we did everything on the same day - if its not there dont be too gutted, I would expect it by the end of the week. I was going to send the letter today but no need now.


    I think that they are just snowed under with all the claims at the moment.


    Will keep watching your posts Wardyboy2 - good luck - but I have a good feeling that by the end of the week........£££££££££££££££££'s in.




  3. Hi Wardy


    Have you checked your post today?


    I have just received a phone call from home telling me a letter from DG solicitors has arrived agreeing to pay me the lot back. Hopefully yours is sitting on your mat - if not it must surely come in the next couple of days.


    Heres hoping.


    Good luck



  4. Hi Essayeffsee


    I won by default on 22nd and today received a letter from the solicitors agreeing to pay me the lot, I would send a letter to them saying that you have filed for judgement. They may then speed up a bit otherwise you could well be hanging around for a while like I was.


    Good luck - you will get your money.



  5. Hi all



    **********HOORAY I WIN**********


    Just got a call from home - letter from DG Solicitors - standard rubbish about not accepting liability and due to costs etc..... etc.... They are paying the full amount to me direct into my account, today apparantly.


    Its not there yet but at least I dont have to send the boys in.


    Can I just thank everyone who has posted advice etc...etc... for all their help, I will be making a donation as soon as its in my account and will be sticking around to help the ones a little further behind.


    For those of you at the same stage as me I guess you are a couple of days behind - DO NOT WORRY - this works and you will get your money.


    Little do HSBC know they have a 2nd claim going in as soon as the first one is in my account.


    Good luck all and thanks again.




    A very very happy MAGIC

  6. Hi all


    Ok folks here is my draft, please anyone advise on the suitability of this -


    Dear Sir/Madam

    I write to inform you that due to your lack of response to my letters dated 29th June and 17th July I have been left with no option but to file for a County Court Judgement against you Ref: XXXXXXXX (copy enclosed). As you can see judgement was granted and entered against you on 22nd August, and still I have yet to hear from you.

    I hereby give you 5 working days notice from the date of this letter to return the total amount owing to me of £XXXX.XX. If these funds are not returned to me in the time given then I will be left with no further choice but to issue a final warrant against you that will result in the intervention of bailiffs, and the damaging of your credit rating.

    I await your reply



    Yours faithfully,


    Any comments welcome.



  7. Wardyboy


    I missed the post yesterday so it will go today - I am sending it to my branch - the same as everything else. It will end up in the right place eventually, I am also enclosing a copy of my judgement confirmation.


    I will copy and paste the letter here as soon as I get a few minutes spare, work tends to get in the way of these things!!!





  8. Cherry


    I wouldn't bother with the Data Protection letter if you can get your statements online - I didn't. All you will receive are exact copies of the online versions wasting you a couple of weeks.


    Just fire off the next letter in the process 'Preliminary approach for repayment' I think its called.


    This will save you a couple of weeks messing about.





  9. Hi again Cherry


    Right here goes - you DONT have to make 2 seperate claims just because they are listed differently. Just add them all up over the 6 years and you have your total amount that you are claiming for. Make sure you check the link that I gave you to see which charges exactly you can claim back.


    My claim was less than £5000, but as I understand it anything over £5k cannot go through the small claims court (can anyone confirm this?). My advice would be to go through your online statements and get your total first. If it exceeds £5000 then break your claim down into 2 seperate ones. Claim back the oldest charges first (upto £5000) then when that has been repaid to you, just start another one for the remainder. By doing this you will familiarise yourself with the process involved and hopefully be more confident about getting the 2nd amount back. However be warned that if you do take this option and make 2 seperate claims one after the other then the bank will probably close your account. Be prepared and have another bank account open with another bank just in case this happens.


    Mine has taken 2 months to the day and I won by default last Tuesday but have still not had my money back - others have had their money back after their first letter. There is no consistency to the timescale so just stick with it.


    Again there is loads of info on here so take a couple of hours to read a few cases and the FAQ's, but if you get stuck then just ask.


    Good luck!!





  10. Hi Cherry


    Go to this link to see exactly what you can claim for -




    It sounds like you are claiming for 'TOTAL CHARGES' which is the same as I have claimed for, you can claim upto 6 years worth of charges at the moment (all of them).


    I would suggest reading the FAQ's section as everything you need is in there and I would start your own thread as well so that your progress can be kept/watched easily.


    Good luck





  11. Hi all


    Not heard a thing after winning by default last Tuesday (22nd), so I am sending a letter today saying that they have 5 working days before I send the bailiffs in.


    I will keep you all informed.



  12. Essayeffsee


    I am pretty sure that they have got until midnight tonight to respond therefore you wont be able to do anything on MCOL until their time runs out. It may be that because of the bank holiday they have got the extra day to respond. Im not 100% on this but I seem to remember reading it on someone else's post. If in doubt just ring MCOL and tell them your concerns.


    I have still not heard a thing and I won last Tuesday, I am giving them until Friday before sending the bailiffs in.





  13. Hi Essayeffsee


    I am just ahead of you and received absolutely nothing from them throughout the whole MCOL process. I filed for judgement yesterday which means that I win automatically as they did not submit a defence to my claims, yours may go the same way.


    I am not sure what happens now but I have the option of requesting a warrant that allows the bailiffs to move in and collect my money or goods to the value thereof.


    Bottom line is - don't worry about it. You have followed a tried, tested and proven process of recovering money that was taken from you unlawfully.




    Just that its taking longer than everyone else's is annoying - believe me I know.


    Good luck - will keep you updated.





  14. Hi Folks


    Requested judgement yesterday and today it has been accepted and issued.


    Wardyboy - I think we just wait now.


    They should get ..whatever it is they get... in the post within a day or two then I would expect either a letter from DG solicitors or more likely the money in our accounts.


    Either way we have won as no defence can now be issued.


    Can anyone confirm this?


    Keep watching your account balance just in case it drops in there without warning, I read on someone else's post that this is what happened to them.


    I wonder how long we should give them? Personally I think a working week is long enough, then we send the bailiffs in.


    Again, if anyone has been this far could they offer some guidance.


    Will keep you up to date with any breaking news.





  15. Hi Wardyboy


    Well here we are at the final stage (I hope).


    Did you request payment immediately on the judgement form? I did but I expect we have to give them a reasonable amount of time... say a week. I am just guessing but perhaps someone can advise. Have not seen anyone at this stage before so this may be new territory.


    Good luck



  16. Hi Folks


    Well I've not heard a thing from them since I filed my claim with MCOL so I have today requested judgement by the courts which means I win by default, as they have not entered a defence or admission to my claim.


    Not too sure what happens now as I've not seen anyone get to this stage before - can anyone advise?


    Myself and Wardyboy are in the same boat so will keep you all up to date.





  17. Hi Folks


    No post over the weekend or today so midnight tonight I shall be asking the courts to request a win by default.


    Anyone know what to expect after this stage? Myself and Wardyboy1 are both in exactly the same position.


    Regards to all




    "The world wants to be fooled ... so fool it" - Pavel

  18. Hi Wardy


    I read on someone elses thread that any response from the bank will be given priority over anything we want, if it is received BEFORE our request for judgement.


    Therefore I shall be clicking at just after midnight so that even if it changes tomorrow morning I am ahead of any response from them, I suggest you do the same.


    Good luck - not long now (hopefully).



  19. Hi Izzy


    As long as you have followed the process then don't worry about it. I am a little ahead of you and have not heard a dicky bird from them, I will actually win by default tomorrow as long as nothing arrives today. It is a little worrying at times but that is only because its a new thing and your not sure what to expect which is why this site is so helpful. Just stick to your timetable and everything will work out I am sure.


    If you need any help/advice just post your questions/concerns - there are enough people on here who can help.


    Hope that relieves your concerns a little.





  20. Hi Wardy


    Well here we are - D-Day or should I say pay day - I didn't receive anything over the weekend so as long as nothing comes today (by midnight as I understand it) then I win tomorrow by default. A little concerned that they haven't even acknowledged the thing but I suppose they have so many now.


    Anyone else won by default?


    Can anyone tell me what the procedure is once I request for a decision by default from this point onwards?


    Hows things with yours?





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