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Posts posted by Spurz360

  1. Hi, Thanks for the replies and sorry for the delay in responding.



    I have made a claim for JSA but they informed me that I would still need to do 35 hours of Job search a week and provide evidence, which I my case is simply not possible. I informed them that I would be making a MR but they didn't seem to care and just kept banging you need to protect your benefit, treat this job search like it's a full time job or you will be sanctioned. Not helpful or considerate at all.



    The mandatory reconsideration is the thing that caught me out, last time I needed to make a appeal around 18months ago I didn't need to jump through this extra hoop or change benefit to do so.



    I'm a bit confused about the MR do I need to request a form?, or just put it in writing?, also do I treat as a normal appeal? and state why I think each points not awarded is wrong or just ask them to look at it again?, Thanks for any help as it's all new to me!



    Also what happens if the MR is rejected and ESA being reinstated if I appeal, do I then I have to cancel JSA?, It's all so inconvenient and stressful.



    I have won appeals in the past abut am fearing the worse after reading other peoples recent problems with this process, if worse case scenario happened what would be my options then?



    Sorry for so many questions

  2. Hi, I received a call yesterday stating I had failed my work assessment at ATOS as I hadn't received enough points. The woman on the phone asked me many times and tried to force me to allow her to put me through to claim JSA. When I mentioned appealing she stated I would still need to apply for JSA as I wouldn't receive ESA whilst the appeal is pending.



    So my question is this the case?, If so this is disgusting. I have failed, appealed previously and won the appeal and had no gap in payments in between.

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