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Posts posted by jamie83984

  1. Hi,


    Sorry hit submit too quick - basically the issue I have is I took out two new contracts with Vodafone two weeks ago. They set me up with a temproary number, I started to receive numerous text messages from girls which should of gone to one of there friends. I therefore text back thinking initially it was just a one off, however what has transpired is my belief they have either issued me an active number or recycled the number within hours of disconnecting it. It is worthy mentioning at this point I am married with two children so natarully I had a couple of uncomfortable conversations which I eventually overcame.


    During the period of the two weeks even after my number changed I received in excess of 10 texts for the same person from multiple people, during this time I have dealt with multiple people in the so called customer services team and to date no-one has been willing to log or investigate the complaint. I eventually went to the Vodafone shop who updated some settings within my i-phone to stop the texts. It is also worth noting here if you have an i-phone and you input another number for an i-phone user you get there i messages, this is what the shop told me so I would welcome thoughts on this.


    All I want is for Vodafone to log and investigate my complaint as I am sure they have broken multiple policies and for them to compensate me for the time and effort to resolve this problem but at the same time to investigate how the above happened!

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