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Posts posted by Cal80

  1. I've served a s10 notice on Wonga and am in correspondence with their legal dept via their CEO who I emailed about this. Do not go to FOS as they are an absolute waste of time and don't uphold the complaints on the issue. See the FOS outcome register to see how they treat these sorts of complaints.


    The new CONC FCA rules will give reason to take action or in my view the DPA.


    I've now had 5 PDL's (not for me unfortunately) remove credit footprint in full they include; Mr Lender, Pounds to Pocket, Quickquid and Vivus.




    Hi Orforster


    I am having a nightmare with Quickquid at the moment, I was recently declined for a mortgage due to pdl credit file entries and Quickquid was one of them.


    I used your template letters and they have sent me three final responses saying that they have behaved correctly and that they will not remove the entries. Can I also serve an s10 on them for this matter ? Also I have had no reply whatsoever from PDUK, how would you suggest that I continue with them? Many thanks in advance.

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