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Posts posted by Santell

  1. Thank you. I will take a look at that.

    The value of goods lost in the burglary was horrendous and in our minds that is already gone. The most painful thing was the theft of sentimental items handed down in the family. The money cost of bringing an action is not any issue so its not a problem throwing more money into the situation so long as the quality of work is good. This is more about principle that is being defended here, as well as highlighting the goings on to others as & when we get to an appropriate stage.

  2. OK thank you for swift replies. I understand.

    But I never deal with anyone on any matter without them first being recommended so that I can be sure I am not dealing with an incapable or inexperienced person. Professional qualifications do not always correlate to common sense I have found. Especially where solicitors are concerned.

    Hopefully we wont need to go down that route anyway but lets see.

  3. Hi


    Thanks for the reponse - much appreciated.


    No, it wasnt just County Court action. Was another legal method that gets dealt with by a higher level UK Court. Nothing illegal ever went on by anybody so police were never involved/interested. This is a fully legal route


    Lets see what they come up with but their CEO will be written to at some point for what its worth..


    Ombudsman also involved but sitting on the sideline for now whilst they are appearing to discuss things again.


    We will contact solicitors in event we decide to issue a CC Summons. Any recommendations from anyone for sols that have had experience dealing with LV would be appreciated.


    Updates can follow in case anyone is interested

  4. Hi,

    OK thank you. Sorry, I am new to this forum and dont fully know what the systems are yet.

    We have an even bigger issue with the Insurance company itself (London Victoria LV) and have been in dispute with them after they failed to respond for 1 month after notifying them of the burglary so we ended taking stern legal action which they initially responded to arrogantly by disputing everything and creating policy excess limits out of no-where which they then apologised about and withdrew. They since appointed a new handler to manage the case but we are still getting no-where as they have sent in this clearly very professional form of Davies Group with all their history I am now seeing to try and dig into every aspect of personal lives to clearly find irregularities in anything including even digging into on my boyfriend who stayed at the house (only 10 days in previous 8 months) to apparently try and make out I had failed to disclose one of his previous claims to my insurance company. So to me it seems that they are both conspiring and working together in my view.

    We were told by the last claims handler at Davies that because of the legal action that the debt ccollection company started & then withdrew, very senior management at LV are pushing to have this claim quashed altogether, but then this loss adjuster vanished (sacked?!) so I have no proof of any of the internal goings on.

    LV also fabricated a false and effectively slanderous image of me when the matter went to court by stating I have refused to send them information (which they never actually asked me for) and then they exaggerated the claim value that I had submitted. That legal action ended up being withdrawn because their solicitors were threatening custodial sentences for the debt collection company that I used but also indirect threats against me and everone involved.

    We also had to get the house secured ourselves after break in and the repairs done ourselves as LV were no-where to be seen. So we used a freind of a friend but then when LV do appear they accuse us that the whole repairs side is fictitious because the firm had only been trading 18 months and they could find no track record of his business existing, even though the loss adjuster saw the new door and the repaird door and the photos of the damage that occurred and had the police information. Anyway that fictitious claim of their has since been proven they were wrong

    But talk about commercial bulling tactics!

    More accusation from them have been thrown around that you would be surprised about. Or maybe not!

    The claim is still going on.

    We lodged a formal complaint at LV and provided them with proof of all the communications sent to them at the beginning which they were claiming they didnt recaived. But they did eventually back down on admitting the phone call took place on night of burglary with their 24 hour emergency service (who actually told us they couldnt do anything to help us in any way! Great 24 emergency service that is!) But then they said the message from that dept didnt get through to the claims dept and also that the emails sent didnt arrive, even though we sent copies of the email receipts as well as copies of screen shots showing the emails were received by them.

    So you decide for yourself what opinion to form but I would say this is one for the tabloids if anyone is interested. I wouldnt know where to start myself.

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