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Posts posted by csathiamoorthy

  1. Everything is sorted now.

    Got my car from the garage just few minutes back.


    The kwik-fit customer care representative with whom I dealt is a very supportive and genuine guy.


    During the initial conversation, he keeps asking me why do you thing kwik-fit should pay the bill.


    After explaining him all the details, he finally got his director's approval and agreed to pay the invoice. of course, it took a while to get his reply.


    The new garage called me yesterday to say everything fixed and the car is ready to go. Unfortunately when I tried contacting the kwik-fit cusomer care representative he didn't pick the call neither he didn't call back or replied to my mail. (In reality he seems to be in some meeting, so couldn't pick the calls).


    But today, he arranged to pay the garage in no time.


    Finally, everything is sorted after nealy 20 days.


    I should really appreciate both the kwik-fit customer care representative (for his genuinity) and the garage owner who fixed the car (for all the patience -untill I get a nod from the kwik-fit, support and help) when in need.


    Above all, I take this oppourtunity to thank all the forum members for their view and advices. Without which I wasn't sure of which way to take it forward.


    Thanks everyone!




  2. They say it's not their mistake, by claiming that the spark plug was rusted and I did not maintain it properly. My point here is, if that was the case, they should have at least warned me which they didn't do in the first place. They only called me in the evening to let me know that there is a big problem with my car, after snapping one of the spark plug. Looks like they have tried to remove it using some drill, which got broken and stuck inside.


    I did not had any problem with my car when I took my car to them. I just wanted to do annual maintenance service.


    I will definitely request some other garage to examine and make a detailed report of the issue. Not sure about their T & C, will check that as well.


    Thanks for all your responses.

  3. I have given my car for a full service on 5-Mar-2015 at around 9 in the morning. There wasn't any specif problems I had,just given it for the annual maintenance service.

    They called me back in the evening at 16.52 to let me know that they have some major issue with my car, and they want me to drop by the centre to know more about it.

    When I went there, they said "while trying to remove the old spark plugs, one of it got broke and stuck inside the engine. We tried for more than 2 hours to take it out but couldn't. We tried our best, but sorry we couldn't take it out."


    I asked them, "I gave the car in morning in a proper working condition, now you have broken it and say sorry". They said, "No we didn't purposefully break it, while trying to remove it broke."


    I also asked them, "If you have tried for more than 2 hours, why you didn't bother to call me immediately, when you see a problem". For which they said, we dont want to panic you. Which doesn't sounds right me.


    And finally when I asked them how to fix it, they said it is difficult to fix.

    And they gave me two choices:

    1) Scrap the car

    2) Spend £1500 to fix it.


    When I asked them, "You broke my car which was in a proper working condition and expecting me to bare the cost of your mistake", they claim that "It's not our fault".


    It all sounds very rude for a customer like me, who just gave the car for annual service and in the evening expecting me to pay £1500 for the mistake they have done. I wouldn't expect such an irresponsible response from a reputed company like yours.


    The centre manager/staff very word as "you have to scrap your car", had put me at emotional trauma and stress, that made me tow the car and put it in my garage.


    This is very unfair service towards any loyal customer like me.

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