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Posts posted by Bee83

  1. Hi, I need some advice.


    I have a credit card with Capital One which has reached its limit due to my card being stolen by someone in my family

    and used to make various online purchases which took me to my card limit of about £1500

    - I did not find out about this until too late and I cannot possibly press charges against the thief as he is a family member.



    I agreed with Capital One that the best way around this would be to accept the charges and pay them myself,

    coming to a civil agreement with the man in question as a criminal charge would be completely fruitless as he is now in prison for something else.


    The problem this has left me with is managing my monthly repayments which are now in excess of £40 a month

    and I have already missed one payment so I am afraid that my debt is spiralling out of control.



    I know that I need to contact Capital One to agree..


    .. but I really do not know what to say to them, or how they will respond, as it is essentially my own fault that this has happened. :???:


    Advice would be much appreciated.

    Thank you for your time.

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