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Posts posted by Ronaldo_7

  1. Nothings going to happen. You alreayd know that. The guard already told you to leave. You did, its over with. The police certainly wont get involved now. The shop had their chance, and the guard would look very stupid wasting police time over a £2 tube of crisps.


    As for college, how do they even know who you are, that you even go to college, or even which college you go to? They dont.


    Stop worrying, stop shoplifting and get on with your life.


    My college is near the Asda so I thought that they may have had to show the college the picture of me

  2. Hi,



    today I got caught stealing from Asda but no action was taken.



    The guard saw me through CCTV and stopped me near the door,

    asked me to remove my bag and took the box of Pringles out of it.

    He didn't question me or ask for any ID he just told me to leave.


    1. I know it's a very stupid thing what I have done


    2. Will they take the picture of me to my college meaning I will eventually be expelled


    3. Will they get the police involved?


    I've got this guilty feeling in my stomach and I'm actually scared of being expelled from college.

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