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Posts posted by cantbelieveit

  1. well found this site as on Monday 3rd my personal account card got declined and low and behold i find that Barclays have frozen my account on Oct 31st No reason - no acknowledgement.


    Ring telephone banking they say cant help go to branch


    Go to branch get two staff members who are like and what do you want us to do about it. it is a T2 matter. after long discussion we track it down to one payment from my own company of £3.5k into my account on the 1st November.. over two days give them all the proof that they need originals from banks, etc etc then ring 1 week later i ring telephone banking and voom my account closed no funds in it and told to go to branch to get cash released.


    Get to branch only to be told covetry have your money and you need to provide proof of funds into the account for three items - my wifes wages from the local council, my wages and my dividend payment totalling around 4.5k


    the branch did help here and they had all the information on file but so frustrated as there is no reason or explanation i intend to request infromation held on file for me and the wife as it was a joint account via data protection but will this tell us why this has happened.


    done credit checks on both of us no our credit rating is 920 / 1000 no CIFAS issues no debtors dont know why this has happened to us and worried that this may happen with we open a joint account else where as the account had only been opened three months any advise how i can find out why this has happened so i can identify if there is a problem.


    PS not once have the bank written to me although when i went in this wednesday they printed a copy of a letter of there file dated the 10th November closing the account on the 10th of November but not saying anything else.


    i am discussed at how the banks operate and the lack of communication and understanding

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