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Posts posted by LDN82

  1. Thank you for your help and advice, am currently trying to resolve this by contacting santander via the subject request form.

    A day after the letter from Robinson Way i reserved a letter from santander stating that my account has been 'sold' to Hoist Portfolio holding Limited...which is very confusing because how could they sell my account, they wouldn't let me pay, they've not contacted me in being able to pay (which i tried to) and now its been sold on.

    At the moment i am not as frightened of the situation, because there seems to have been a lack of information given to me and decisions have been made without informing me. My only worry now is that being able to prove that i've not been contacted is difficult, i have no letters and no information and that that is all i can prove, my basic lack of forwarded information to allow me to remedy the situation like i wanted to from the start, no matter how long it took i wanted to resolve it fully:???:!

    Again, thank for you help and guildance.

  2. When i was a student in leeds i had a credit card, which i used to survive on when the company i worked went into liquidation. When i was unable to make the normal payments back i arranged with Santander to pay back what i could, which was all fine.


    However, Santander begun to get hot and heavy due to the fact i paying only small amounts (still always paying), then, for some reason, Santander passed it on a debt collectors, which i was told was the new protocol and how they were handling my account.


    Sooo, i began paying Moorcroft, the same amount, each time being asked if i could pay any more than i was (more pushy than Santander), which i said 'No, i couldn't'. After months of paying and paying, never arguing, never missing a payment (this was money i KNEW i owed), Moorcroft told me that Santander had called back in all their debts and they would contact me in the next steps of how i could pay them.

    But then nothing.


    Santander never contacted me.


    I have a Santander debt account, my money goes in, i used Santander to pay bills, to this very day, but i heard nothing. i contacted them, told them everything, the lovely woman on the phone could not find me, i didn't have a credit card with them, it showed i had but not anymore, she tried to help and the best advice she could give was just see what happens, so i have.


    2 and half years later i got a letter today from Robinson Way with far more blown out amount them i owed (about a thousand more, actual amount being a thousand, again, no denying i owed it, i paid rent and survived off it during a very hard time).


    Currently i am confused what to do, i want to pay this off, i want this gone but if i contact anyone within Robinson Way they will begun contacting me and keep contacting me (Moorcroft would do this alot, pleasant phones asking if i could pay them).


    What i want to do is pay the amount i owe, not the amount which has grown from Moorcroft and Robinson Way.


    Am i alone in this?


    I do not want to be a criminal, but i am frightened to how to deal with this all.


    Can anyone help and advise me in any way?


    Thank you.

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