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Posts posted by Haynes1970

  1. Thanks for the help and advice guys.



    I also need to mention that when I took the items back for a store credit I was asked to fill in my name and address. I gave a false name and address as I didn't want any marketing sent to my home and TK have made major mistakes with peoples info in the past, so I was very reluctant.



    on the last letter they have sent me they also include that unless I pay the amount requested they will include 8% per annum. What will the consequences be of ignoring them ?

  2. In August of this year I was in TKMax when I was asked by a retail loss investigator to go into a private room.

    Whilst in the room I was accused of buying an item and taking another item back and of swapping prices.


    The swapping of prices was due to it be a childs toy that had been in the basket with other items and the price tag had come off.



    I notice that TKMax openly sell seconds and do not always tell the customer.

    I returned a pair of jeans and t shirt (both definitely TKmax items) that were faulty or had become faulty

    I found a receipt in a bag I assumed that for them as the receipt is not itemised of course I couldn't be sure,

    I explained to them that a mistake may of happened and offered to pay in full for any amount owing,

    they refused this and called the police even though I had childcare issues at home, they were adamant that I stayed.


    The police arrived and I offered to attend the station the next day.

    I attended the police station and asked to be represented by the duty lawyer.



    on being interviewed by the police I explained to them that what had happened had been a mistake

    and the solicitor recommended that I take a caution thus not having to attend court,

    I didn't want this to happen for fear of this case being in the local newspaper

    and my employer finding out so I had no choice but to accept a simple caution.


    I have never had a monetary refund off TKMax only a credit note to get to choose something else.

    TKMax have taken back the items that I bought and received payment for them.



    I have since received a letter from RLP demanding £170.00

    I myself have just had a serious stroke and recovering from this



    I have phoned RLP and explained the situation and need more time to recover and seek legal advice,

    I also asked the person on the phone for a full break down of the cost which he refused saying that they would only send this to a solicitor.


    A week later I receive another letter say that they would give me until the 19th of September

    and that they don't have to provide me with a break down of the costs as this is acceptable by law.



    Please help as Iam not sure what to do next and both letters have stated that TKMax may opt to take me to court.

    Im feeling really low as it is at the moment due to the Stroke and this is adding a great deal of stress.


    Do I write to TKMax themselves and explain the situation ?

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