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Posts posted by Janis2001

  1. Hi Janis and welcome,

    The experts will be along in a while but the first thing you have to do is nothing.


    Wait for the notice to keeper arriving in the post, then you appeal as the keeper not the driver.

    Have a read of some of the threads here, you'll soon get the idea.


    You don't owe them a penny for using a free car park and you can't be penalised for leaving the site ( that's mentioned in a thread here somewhere)






    Thank you for the advice, will do more research and await the letter


  2. Hi ,

    We have been issued with a window ticket

    in a free car park of an entertainment complex

    with lots of restaurant's etc as we where ," observed leaving site".



    We did leave for 30 minutes on arrival but returned to visit the arcades .



    I am wondering do we appeal now or do we wait until they make contact with us.



    I have read several posts on here, but still not sure of the correct protocol for this .



    The husband is out taking a photo of the signage now to see if that will aid our appeal.



    Also if someone watched us walk away,

    would they have been permitted to take a video/photo to support their ticket?

    or does it come down to their word against ours?



    and finally



    how do I go about finding out who owns the land that UKCPS work for?.



    Please feel free to point me in the direction of a past post that may cover all my questions.



    Thanks for your help in this matter

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