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Posts posted by ashio83

  1. The usual trick is to send the same letter to everyone with your name and wait to see who responds and then harass them, even if they are the wrong person. You may be surprised how many people pay when it is not their debt just the get these leeched off their backs.

    If they are certain they ahve the right person they will be intouch again with a demand on behalf of whoever.

    As said, check your credit files and see if there is anything outstanding or anything you do niot recognise and this includes searches by any company you do not have a business relationship with. I did this as was aparrently working at a big shed DIY company in Basingstoke when clearly wasnt


    A dirty and non surprising method! Can you advise me on how to check my credit files, is there a particular website to use or am I being simple?


    Thanks for the advice.

  2. Hi citizenB, thanks for your response.


    The letter was in fact addressed to me personally and in the first line of the letter it states that they "have been provided with this address".


    Yes I have recently moved, 2 months ago. Yesterday I setup an account with my energy company (eon) and they ran a credit check to see which services they could offer me, which I passed but then the next day I receive a letter from Wetcloths, maybe just a coincidence?!


    How do I go about checking my credit records? You're probably right, it could be an outstanding balance from a while ago, credit card or balances from other accounts I've long forgotten about.


    Is there a particular thread I should check in the CAG Library for templates or example letters for a CCA request or dispute letters etc?


    I will wait to hear from them again which on the letter they said "If we do not hear from you by 23/09/2014 we will ASSUME the contact information we hold for 'My Name' is correct"


    The letter isn't signed either, they must have been in a rush to send it to me.


    Thanks again for your help citizenB.



    EDIT: I have just noticed the 'Beginner's guide' or 'Link to CAG template letters' in your sig but when I click them I am told that I do not have permission to access this page.

  3. Hi everyone, let me start at the beginning.


    Today I received an 'Important: Address Verification' letter from Wescot. It states they are trying to contact 'My Name' and have been provided with this address. They obviously know it's me and are just trying to get me to confirm it to save them doing extra legwork.


    The thing is, I really am not sure what it could be for. A quick Google search landed me on these great forums.


    I have decided to be pro active and I'm here seeking advice. So far I have worked out firstly to not contact them, but to wait for them to send a second letter with details of the debt so I can see their hand.

    Secondly when they do respond I should send them a 'CCA request' letter, although I'm not sure what this should contain exactly with regards to content and formatting, after this I'm stumped and need some advice and direction.


    I would be grateful for any advice and guidance at all.


    Thanks, Ash.

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