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Posts posted by EJ238

  1. Thank you ericsbrother for your reply.

    I met with them today and they told me the amount that i was overpaid. they went onto say that they expect me to repay 60%of this.

    I asked what happens to the manager who allowed this to happen for the 2 1/2 years as i feel that they are at fault, it is apparent however that they are not doing anything about this. I am there fore raising a grievance against this manager as i believe that this should have been picked up and if it was not for me changing roles and having a new manager i woudl still be getting overpaid !!


    I am seeking advice on what to do as i cannot pay back the amount they are asking, i have spent the money i was paid as i believed that this was mine to spend. I have limited savings and have 2 young children to look after, repaying this would affect me financially.


    Does anyone know what i should do about the tax i have paid on this money? i am going to call the inland revenue as obviously i may be entitled to a rebate as i now have to pay this back or is this not how it works.


    Can anyone offer advice ?:|

  2. I have worked for the same company for the past 18 years. Two years ago after some health problems i decided to step down from my role to a less stressful role. I wrote to my manager and we agreed what i would work. My part time working has been reviewed by them over these two years as has my shift pattern and they have written to me stating that the shift pattern and part time working can continue. i have been working night shifts during this time


    In June this year i was offered a different post (same grade) on day shift and i worked out with my line manager what days and hours i would work as i knew how many hours i was working.

    My line manager contacted HR and found that the hours i believed i was working and whay i was paid was wrong.

    I was working 27.25 hours per week but have been paid for 32.25 for the past 2 years !!!


    Well, after i finally stopped crying i looked into the letters ect that i had from my employer and i have had a meeting with them to discuss how this happened.



    • it seems that in 2012 when i changed roles the director completed a "changes form" and put 32.25 hours on this form, he signed this but i had not signed or recieved a copy of this. i should have.
    • I have had e-mails and letters from my line manager agreeing the hours and "regular shift pattern" they have also put me on the rota for the past 2 years working the agreed shifts.
    • Perhaps i should have realised that i was being overpaid but i did not recieve a letter stating the hours i was working and the pay, i only recieved a letter with the pay and i stupidly assumed that this was correct.

    This issue has been with the Legal department for the past month and i have been invited to a meeting this week. I am obviously concerned that they will be reclaiming the money. My salary has decreased already as they are now paying me what i should have been paid and for them to also recover the money owed i will be struggling. I would still be paying them this money back in years to come as it is over £5000 !




    The main questions i have are


    1. if i have to repay what is the smallest amount i could suggest to them
    2. if i left the companu could they sue me and claim the money
    3. how to i work out Tax ect as obviously i have paid tax on the amount paid and this will have to be recalculated.

    I have spoken to ACAS and the citizens advice and there has been some mention of estoppel. what are your thoughts ?



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