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Posts posted by png68

  1. Hi there


    I did a really stupid thing and shoplifted some items from IKEA.



    I was caught and the security guard, after checking my receipt, said that he would not call the police

    and proceeded to issue me with a lifetime ban from all UK IKEA stores.



    He told me that my picture (which was taken with the security camera in the questioning room)

    would be posted to all the IKEAs and I would be recognised if I entered any IKEA stores in the UK.


    This is my first offence and I was very lucky he did not call the police and I missed a criminal record (as this would have prevented me working),

    but I still felt the consequence was very harsh.



    I was made to sign the letter banning me and in it, it quotes that I am unable to access any UK IKEA governed space

    (including carparks and grounds for ever).


    I am so gutted and can not believe that I was so stupid as to try and steal such rubbish.


    The problem is that I like IKEA and it is really useful for work things etc..

    ...I wondered if IKEA would recognise me if I entered another store?



    Surely they would not have face-recognition cameras and surely their security guards would not be checking facial images

    of every person that enters a store?



    Do you think it would be safe to enter a store?



    Or could I write to IKEA head office and ask if they could reconsider there ban as I have learnt my lesson?


    Am I being crazy even considering this or being worried that I can no longer visit an IKEA store.



    Should I just cut my losses and thank my lucky stars that it was not more serious consequence?


    Please help me or share your experience if this has happened to you



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