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Posts posted by TeamMoney

  1. Thanks for your reply, ill look into it......


    It wasnt unpaid overtime. it was working as a site manager when i was only contracted and getting paid for being an operative.. I just think they have the cheek to ask for the money back when they have been getting cheap management for some time now. maybe it was me that was bein daft in the first place for doing the work without asking for more money and just assuming i would get a bonus / pay rise for the jobs ive managed

  2. I started working for a company 4 years ago when times were hard and I had no where else to go, I stayed with them for 4 years and had a good relationship with them, they put me on courses to become a supervisor and a few other courses to suite their needs. I signed an agreement saying i would pay the course fees if i leave within two years. I have now left and i have a £1000 bill to pay. I agreed to give them my week in hand and now i owe £400. When they deducted this amount from my wages, it was from my wage after tax ??? is this right ?? should they not deduct it before the tax is deducted ? ?


    Also ive worked above and beyond my contracted working agreements on several occasions for no extra money.


    I have also been made aware that the company will be reimbursed most of the money through grants.


    One of the courses i attended is still on going and could be for the next 6 months so i have not received the full training im currently being charged for.


    before i attempt to fight this battle for £400 i just want to know if i have a leg to stand on or if im fighting a losing battle.


    Surely my employer should of taken this money out of my wage before it was taxed ??


    thanks for reading

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