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Posts posted by allen169

  1. This makes me laugh. The chap who's emailing me from MMF has a signature on all his emails. Its gone from Compliance Team, Customer Relations and finally collector... Wonder if he's related to Mike


    I have asked them why the default was incorrectly labeled. Apparently they know that this was the case, but without seeing the screenshot they are unable to explain why it was incorrectly labeled.


    Iv requested they look at the original notice of default that would have been sent out to me when they placed the default on my file, instead of sending a screenshot. Lets see if they come up with the goods.

  2. I have no objection with sending them a screenshot, but lets look at it this way. They get paid to do this, I don't. I now have to take time out to get the screenshot, alter it, send it then spend hours arguing with them about it. I don't get the privilege of sending them a default charge for my time. Its just not fair. RE The CRAs they are a waste of time, but they will never get shut of them. Credit Expert is a waste of time too, it doesnt even show you a true reflection of your credit score..But that's a moan for another day.

  3. Todays latest correspondence from MMF. Apparently they don't issue default notices.....


    As advised, I require a screenshot of the mark we have left on your credit file so that I am able to assess it before requesting any change of information.




    From what I can gather, it has been incorrectly marked as a student loan when, in actual fact, we do not deal with any student loans.




    The Notice of Default is to be sent by the original lender, not ourselves.




    Kind regards

  4. MMF can still update the file as needed, so they do have access. However, as a compromise, you could provide them with a redacted screenshot that shows the reference number, name etc. Just only send the entry. Not anything else on the form.


    That would make life easy for them. I don't get paid to 'collect debts' or harass vulnerable people for money. That's their job, so surely they are responsible to rectify the issue using their own access, After all, they placed the default so they should easily be able to find it.

  5. Why do they need screenshots if they have access to your file already?


    Thats exactly what I wondered, then I thought.


    Do MMF have access to peoples files. Is it the original creditor that places the default in Motormiles name as soon as they sell it on. Possibly why they email or make up a notice of assignment with made up dates (as in my case)


    Hell will freeze over before I send anyone a screenshot of my personal details. I could always send a photo of a nice evening sunset, might brighten up their day!


    The default was for a student loan, the student loans company have no recollection of this. Cant MMF see that you cant just plonk a random default on a credit file, allegedly acting on behalf of the student loans company.

  6. Well, an interesting email from MMF today. Asking me to send screenshots over email of my credit report! ERM I dont think so! Giving them more access to my personal information?


    This is in relation to them putting a default on my credit file for a student loan. I never had a student loan. I explained to them that this is fraudulent, their reply, "can you explain why you think this is illegal ?"


    I'm thinking of sending a reply, but this has come via email, AFTER the letter was set asking for written communication via royal mail only. Can you believe them!


    Good afternoon.


    In order for me to assess the situation in an amicable manner please may you forward me a screen shot of your credit report. Please explain why you believe the default to be illegal, also.


    Once I have established which of your accounts is marked as a Student Loan I shall update it accordingly.


    Yes motor mile, Il do your job for you shall I! You shouldn't have done it in the first place. Then have the cheek to ask me to see a copy of my credit file.


    I have contacted the FCA yet again about this further correspondence. Still, makes a change to not have MIKE phoning me.


    Maybe I should just email them this



  7. I sent my official complaint to the CEO of MMF Last night. I also copied in the FCA. Today the FCA, amongst other things have added this to their reply.


    With regards to firms contacting customers regarding consumer credit business (including debt collection), the FCA’s Consumer Credit Sourcebook (CONC) Chapter 7.9.4, states


    “a firm must not contact customers at unreasonable times and must pay due regard to the reasonable requests of customers (for example, customers who work in a shift pattern) in respect of when, where and how they may be contacted”.


    Therefore, I can inform you that the information in your email has been passed to the Supervision Team responsible for the conduct of this firm within the FCA. How they follow up information received depends upon the risks posed to our objectives, the quality of the evidence and the seriousness of the accusations.


    Lets hope we get somewhere.

  8. Just come off the phone to the student loans company,


    who at best I can say aren't best impressed..


    . Iv also emailed motormile today,

    to the ever so normally chatty point of contact

    who suddenly has developed a case of forgetting how to type a reply regarding


    how they use an sms in court.


    I would be interested to see their reply if I was to ring them and advise I was coming round unannounced to discuss the alleged debts.


    Il call myself Mike, and tell them I will assess their living standards.


    Lets see if they quote the law on not being able to do that,


    seen as though they seem quite happy to flaunt this very law when the shoes on the other foot.

  9. Hello Allen,



    Looking in as requested by fkofilee's PM.



    All that has been said about MMF is quite correct, their behaviour in your case amounts quite

    clearly to harassment.



    You can as advised by dx ignore these threats or you can go in hard with a complaint to the MD and copy it to the FCA.

    This needs a complaint to the FCA most definitely the company is on "interim permissions" to operate and their licence will be reviewed.



    Having had some success dealing with this bunch I can if you wish draft a letter for you, just let me know here.





    Thanks for all your positive comments. Rest assured I will take this further. A letter would be brilliant, thankyou for the offer which I kindly accept.

  10. Interestingly a few months back when the calls first started I sent the email regarding communication in writing only. This obviously got ignored and they continued to make phone calls to work and home. The most comical email was the one stating they would rely on this 'sms' as evidence in court. Firstly it was an email and not a text and secondly just how would that even work?


    In the space of a 24 hour period I had 17 emails and 12 phone calls from MMF. The emails were also coming through well past 12AM along with the texts. Im sure thats classed as an unsociable hour.


    another few selected gems


    Unless you call MMF in 5 days, a Court Claim may be issued, with any subsequent CCJ being enforced by Bailiffs or Attachment of Earnings on your employer


    This email should be taken as formal notice that we have attempted to agree a mutually acceptable appointment and have been unable to do so through your lack of response. This fact will be later relied upon at court on the question of legal costs, should legal action prove necessary.


    you have chosen not to contact MMF. Your account is being assessed for legal action


    your file has been approved for legal proceedings at your last known address. MMF rely on this SMS re legal costs.


    We wou ld also look to enforce any successful judgement granted, by way of an Attachment of Earnings (AOE) order (where applicable). This may result in your employer being contacted by your local County Court.


    In a final attempt to resolve this matter without Legal Action we will accept 60% of the debt in settlement. Call .If not legal action action will be issued.



    I just love how they like to even put threats in there about my employer! Who do these people think they are? I also love how they threaten you with an impending visit of doom from Mike. Is it the same Mike from breaking bad? Seriously though, surely the FCA can take action against these


    I believe the cash genie loan was moved onto MMF from another nice chap, Carter Forbes.

  11. Im not sure who the other account is with,

    they have it down on my credit file as a student loan debt,

    however I never had a student loan, so unsure where this came from.


    Am I to issue them with a CCA fro each individual debt and take it from there?


    I seriously doubt the FCA will be interested.

    There are pages of complaints on the internet regarding motormile, yet they still trade.

    The excuse for phoning my employer was i gave the original creditor my employer phone number,

    yet motormile are not to know which phone number is my employer.


    Here is a segment from their latest email.


    Our home visit team does not operate illegally, generally a roadside assessment would be done to asses standard

    of living if someone did not want to speak in person.


    We only call the numbers you provided on your application and are not aware which ones are work or landline


    I have placed all your accounts on hold whilst you review the documents due to be sent by our admin team.


    They obviously show no interest in the law regarding someone visiting a property if you have removed that right.


    They have also sent me several electronic Consumer Credit Agreements.. They also look rather suspect.

  12. fkofilee,


    I dont understand how these are original copies of the notice of assignments, when the dates are set in the future (tomorrow)


    The third account, I am told, they are having trouble sourcing the notice of assignment so I am to await this to be sent via email.


    They have also sent me some credit agreements from the companies in question.

    I understand the debt needs paying off, but I wont be bullied by these people into paying more than what was originally borrowed.

    It makes it worse that Im employed by the local authority in a school.

    They do not want Made up mike turning up on the doorstep taking photos assessing the financial situation.

    ..Otherwise mike might end up with a very much unwanted record.


    Not to mention adding a student loan debt that does not exist to my credit file?

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