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Posts posted by avenged.angel

  1. Hi,



    I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice with this please.



    I bought a laptop from BAYV this time last year because I needed it for uni and had no other means of getting one.



    I pay by direct debit and have never missed a payment.



    Back in June I spilt wine on my laptop and completely fried it,

    took it to repair shop and after they looked at it they told me it was no good

    and there was no way of fixing it.



    since then my financial circumstances have changed and I'm really struggling to make ends meet



    the BAYV payment is the only thing I could really do without ( that is my only non priority debt)..



    I would have just given them the laptop back but that isn't an option now with it being broken.



    I haven't contacted them yet as I thought I'd see what people advised first.



    am I gonna get hassled when I no longer have the laptop

    ..what is likely to happen as I know I obviously have an agreement with them.

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