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Lou Lou 1971

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Posts posted by Lou Lou 1971

  1. This is the response I received from the courts when I queried it



    You need to contact Bromley Council to confirm that a Liability Order was issued in the court for the outstanding council tax, if possible ask them to send you a copy of the Liability Order.


    Once your debt has gone to the bailiffs you have to negotiate with the bailiffs paying the debt by instalments, the council would not normally involve themselves in any negotiations, but you can talk to the council about that.


    You can ask the court to set aside the Liability Order if you think that you have a genuine and arguable case; the Liability Order must have been made as a result of a substantial procedural error, defect or mishap, and the application to set aside the order must be made promptly.


    There is a fee of £205.00 for making the court application to set aside the Liability Order.If the council contest the case at the first court hearing, there will be a further £515.00 payable to continue with the proceedings.


    If you decide to ask the court to set aside the Liability Order, reply on this email giving full reasons as to why. We will contact you after a decision is made to talk about payment.

  2. Hi, advise needed please.


    Last week I had a bailiff come round to my rented flat, to claim an amount for a council tax bill from 13 yrs ago. I wasn't in at the time, the said bailiff managed to get my phone number from my young daughter :mad2:, and after repeated calls I got him to leave my property and daughter alone. He has threatened me with police action, lock removal and removal of my partners property,(as I literally own the clothes on my back and nothing else). I have told the bailiff that I do not want to avoid the original debt, and Im willing to enter into an agreement to pay the debt off in installments. This offer has been refused saying that this has gone on for too long and because of previous visits, of which we as a family have no knowledge. Where and how do I stand?


    Any advise is more than welcome


    Thanks in advance


    Lou Lou

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