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Posts posted by Mark-s

  1. Thanks Margaret and estellyn.

    It is PHI and not sick pay.Premiums paid by my employer.

    I was on IB and migrated to contESA in april last year.I am in the support group because of the illness, and I have a contract with my employer for my job if I ever return.

    I have read the decision makers forms, but there is no clarity in relation to my situation, I either need to be dead or my contract of employment to have ended for the pension (that is how they consider PHI) to be disregarded.

    Please can you give me the specific refence.Thanks.

  2. Thanks HB

    There is an offset of state benefits % of salary less Long Term Incapacity Benefit (LTIB) at date of disability, and its is confirmed in documentation I have. The policy document is with my employer, as they pay the premiums to the insurer, the PHI provider. I do not have an updated benefit calculation from the insurer since IB has been replaced by ESA.

    There is nothing in the new ESA (cont) guidelines, the assumption being that the IB rules apply. I don't want to assume anything. I have just been to my solicitor, who unfortunately is not a specialist in welfare benefits, so she had nothing to offer. I do hope someone on this forum can offer some advice.

  3. Hi

    I am in the process of sorting all this out. The nub of it is that I receive PHI (premiums paid by employer) via my employer, I am still employed and under contract, the likelihood of me returning to work because of my illness is slim.



    There is not any clarity from DWP about claims for ESAcont, under these circumstances, there is plenty of information IF I am dead, or dismissed from my employment.I am also receiving DLA higher component.



    Please, please can anyone clarify the situation for me?Thanks.

  4. Hi

    I am a disabled person with a Company Permenant Health Insurance policy, premiums paid by the company . This is paid throgh my salary payslip, tax and nics taken at source. The polcy pays 70 percent of my salary with a reduction taken out to reflect any benefits I get. I was on IB and was transferred onto ESA support group back in April 2013. The problem is that I have been called in by the Fraud department of the DWP for alleged fraud with an interview under caution regrding my ESA a very frightening experience on Friday this week

    . I have not committed any fraud, filled in the forms correctly ,disclosed everything and am genuinely ill and disabled I lost the use of my right hand side due to a malignant brain tumour and am still being treated. I can only think that it is something to do with my PHI. Please help,has anyone else had this problem? This is obviously very distressing.I rely on the ESA and DLA to manage, sorry for the length of this post. Please help.

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