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Posts posted by gillyjones66

  1. Hi RainbowTears,


    I can't thank you enough for your kind message *hug* back to you.


    I know and I truly have and do appreciate the LL's position, it's just so very sad they won't give me just the few days I need to conclude everything, but I do understand it's just a business to them.


    I've been to my Doctor this morning and she's going to speak with Senior Doctors to see if there's anything they can do regards a letter to assist me - she's having to check as this is the first time I've visited since becoming ill so may not be possible which I completely understand. In the meantime, she's kindly prescribed me with some sleeping tablets in the fiurst instance to help a little. I told her everything and broke down which probably did me good to be honest.


    Thank you so very much for your support, it means the absolute world to me and makes me want to stay strong and beat this.


    You really all are a beautiful bunch of people and I will let you know how I get on.


    Thanks again with all of my heart xx

  2. Hi Raydetinu,


    Thanks for your message, I really do appreciate it.


    My Mum went into a private nursing home and her property was sold to cover at least some of the original costs involved to provide her with the care she needed. She'd been in private care for 6 years at a cost of £800 per week which increased to £1000 per week as did her care package sadly. The executors have kindly agreed to advance the whole amount of the settlement but it won't sadly be with me for at least 7-10 days which is why I've asked for extra time (just 10 days)


    I genuinely reall do appreciate your advice and I'm trying anything and everything bless you, I'm not giving up.


    Thanks so much again for your kindness.

  3. I am sympathetic to your circumstances, as was the Judge but the max extension would be 42 days and repayment of arrears during that time would prob make no difference. If you had reduced arrears to

    When did rent arrears first accumulate and when was repayment schedule first agreed? Did you miss any repayments?

    I assume you are single 18+ and perhaps sole beneficiary of mother's Estate, so prob no help from Council.

    Shelter advise that rent is a priority debt, ignore at your peril.

    Letting property is a business, renting is a commitment.


    Thanks for getting in touch, I appreciate all you've said. My rent arrears accrued in May onwards. The LL wouldn't enter into negotiation regards repayment, they demanded the whole amount or court action and try as I might I couldn't get the resource in the immediate to settle all of the amount up front, I'd dearly have loved to have done. My only option was to ask for a little extra time but this was also refused therefore the judge had no discretion. I understand that rent is a priority, but it was extremely difficult to do this at the time under the circumstances. I naturally put myself second.

  4. Hi again Rebel11,


    Many thanks, I appreciate very much your note.


    I've read through the link you've kindly sent to me and no, this doesn't apply to me.


    I'm certainly suffering from extreme distress and anxiety which has affected my day to day life for a few weeks, but nothing on a long term basis. I'm very much an extremely strong, optimistic person, I don't usually let anything beat me, but this whole situation has just knocked me for absolute six & I'm still suffering deeply from my loss.


    I know everything happens for a reason, I'll come out of this a much stronger person I'm certain. I just need to get through it.


    Thanks again.

  5. Bless you Rebel11, thanks so very much. I will. I can't thank you enough for all of your support, I was just speaking with 'Bornthisway' and I'm so very grateful to know there are lovely people out there and thank you again, I don't feel quite so alone now.


    My apologies also, I'm new to CAG and don't understand regards adding spaces to my posts? Sorry.

  6. Bless you, thanks so very much. I can't tell you how much you've helped already, I don't feel quite so alone. I would definitely make an offer to pay the arrears within the 14 days to maybe just give me a chance, if only just in the hope of being given the bit of time I need to start afresh properly without having to be forced out - that's all I'm asking for. I will go to see my GP as I think it will help me from a health point of view too.


    I'm trying my very best to get some sort of help with accommodation for the couple of weeks but haven't really got anyone that can help, it really would help me to be given the opportunity of time to find my new home and move straight into it as I'll have to move my things into storage otherwise which will be horrendously expensive & I just haven't got anything until my Mum's funds arrive with me. Thanks regards the Cats Protection League, I hadn't realised this may be an option.


    Thanks so much for your kind advice and support and as you say, we have the whole of next week and a lot of good can happen in a week :-)

  7. Hi Rebel 11,


    Thanks so very much for getting in touch and for the links, it means so much. I communicated with the agent and landlord constantly to keep them informed and even wrote personal letters to the landlords to explain fully to them as we were never likely to meet with the agent managing the tenancy.


    I expressed to them how sorry I was to have found myself in the position I have and the circumstances. On the day of the possession hearing their solicitor spoke with them at length to ask for a little more time but they refused. She told me she was sorry and she'd tried very hard but they just wouldn't.


    Throughout this time, I've recorded in my diary the times they driven slowly by to see if I've vacated and often walked by then stood just a the end of my pathway looking into the window. Their Grandson lives on the same close and he's done the same.


    I understand their position really I do, but they can't imagine the stress and intimidation they're putting me through due to my distressed state at the moment - I wouldn't normally let somebody put me through something like that, I've just tried to remain professional throughout but sadly to no avail. Thanks so very much again xx

  8. Hi, thanks so very much for contacting me and for your kind comments. Sadly I don't have anybody who can help, I'm so very scared & just don't know which way to turn. Prior to the possession hearing I wrote the landlords two handwritten letters directly to explain and to apologise with all of my heart for placing them in the situation.


    I just hoped this would be an opportunity to get to know me a little personally rather than just as a tenant they'd never met due to the agent letting and managing the tenancy. I made attempts to reach an agreement with them to avoid further action as I'm expecting settlement into my account within a couple of weeks - the executor has confirmed that cleared funds should reach me within 10-14 days.


    I'd advised the landlords that I was hoping to settle the outstanding arrears by the end of July, but it's just going to exceed the end of this month. However, just prior to going into see the judge on the day of the possession hearing, the landlords solicitor spoke with them to ask for a little more time & they refused.


    She advised me that she was sorry and that she'd tried so very hard for me and I broke down she was so kind. I have considered going to speak with my GP but I haven't felt well enough I'm afraid, but if you feel this might help me at all then I'd do this during the next couple of days.


    I've just locked myself away I'm afraid for the last few days as everything seemed to finally get the better of me as I lost out on a property I'd set my heart on and especially due to the urgency of me having to find somewhere - I was devastated as my application was very strong they told me but the landlord had simply opted for the other applicant sadly.


    I will be financially a lot more comfortable again during the next two weeks, I just can't sadly pay anything off the arrears immediately, I'd dearly love to, I really would as I've never wished not to pay the landlord, truly I haven't, they just won't help me because sadly the schedule changed a number of times for payment simply due to my Mum not having left a will and it taking longer to conclude as a consequence.


    I've taken alot of advice via the internet on Shelters website regarding possession and eviction and they all seem to say that there isn't much likelihood of a suspension or more time, so have been warring with myself as to whether it is indeed worth me applying to try to do so and of course the fee involved. Thanks so very much again, truly xx

  9. Hi there,


    I have been in a property for 5 months as a tenant. I paid my deposit and first month's rent without any issue. However, my circumstances changed catastrophically. My Mum had vascular dementia and as a result of her condition deteriorating, it was necessary to increase her care package which I had to take responsibility for and sadly left me in a position where I didn't have enough funds to pay my rent.


    I was in a terrible position as I sincerely had to prioritise my Mum sadly. I kept in touch with the letting agent and landlord but because the schedule for bringing my arrears up to date changed frequently, I was served and had to attend a court hearing for possession.


    The judge advised that she was sympathetic but as they'd used mandatory ground 8, her hands were tied and possession within 14 days was granted. I was terrified! The schedule for repayment changed as I'd advised due to having to await settlement of my Mum's affairs as very sadly she passed a way a short time after her care package was increased and I found I had to settle funeral costs and expenses for my poor Mum until her personal affairs were concluded.


    I received the notice of eviction a week after the posession date had lapsed and it is scheduled to take place on the 5th of August at 10am. I desperately need to do all I can to suspend the warrant of eviction just for a short time, as since all of this has occurred, I've been extremely poorly due to the loss of my Mum and I've suffered a miscarriage during the past 10 days which I attribute to the severe distress I endured during the last few weeks.


    I can't tell you how sad I feel that my tenancy fell into arrears. I'm in despair and feel that I'd rather die than count the hours and days to my eviction. I'm in the process of applying for new homes which isn't progressing as quickly as I need it to, but I'm doing my very, very best, I just need a little more time to complete this.


    I'm distraught as I've been advised that it is very unlikely a judge will agree to give me more time due to the mandatory ground used in the possession hearing. Please, please can you help. I've tried everything to get advice and guidance and just want to make sure I'm safe in a new home with my two beautiful cats. I can't bear much more, I truly can't.


    I've always been an excellent tenant until this situation occurred. Please can you help? Love Gilly

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