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very worried

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Posts posted by very worried

  1. My council tax gets taken or it did then directly out of my wages as I had fallen behind and it had gone to court.I had what was only I believed 55 pound left owing and i was due a pay rise in april.My work still thought I owed around two hundred odd but the amount had changed due to me moving before the whole year was up.when i got my payslip they had taken 112 off so my wages were actually down 2 pound after the pay rise.I rang the council and they couldnt work out why so they said ring my payroll.when I did she told me that due to the payrise they had taken the extra amount as they had not been told by the council it was less owing due to the move.therefore she said it would still be paid off for a few months as i still owed 200 odd.Because i did not then take home more i did not tell them as I didnt have an increase.Iam not aware of any other overpayment I did not advise them that my tax credits had gone up as they always notify the council.unless there is an amount that I dont know about i cant see how

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