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Posts posted by sej107

  1. Hi,



    I don't know the legislation as I never received any documentation from them. I had to make a voluntary visit to the court on the back of a debt collection letter from the LCCC.



    using this forum I found a phone number for the FCC prosecution department and after explaining my case, settled for £50 towards their costs plus the original far which was £7.50 at the time.



    Maybe I could have tried to negotiate down or wait for further information but I just wanted to get the situation resolved.



    Thanks for your input Bazza.




  2. Hi,



    Yes, I was offered a £20 penalty fare but declined it as I was only prepared to pay £10 - the train inspector refused my payment of £10 offer.



    With regards to the set aside it was because I never knew anything about the original court summons. So I went to court today and signed a staturtory declaration stating this fact. (not sure if that was the answer you were looking for)

  3. Hi All,



    Two weeks ago I received a letter from LCCC demanding payment of £332 otherwise a whole lot of bad things would happen.

    This letter came as a bit of surprise as it was the first time I had received a letter from them. After phoning up I found out it related to a £20 penalty fare from First Capital Connect dating back a few years ago.

    In the eyes of the law I am guilty (just moved to London and I used my oyster to swipe in but didn't realise potters bar was outwith the zones - I offered to pay the £10 fare but refused to pay the £20 - I gave the person my name and address (as I planned to argue my case and have not heard anything until the letter from LCCC)

    I moved shortly after the incident and I guess letters have been going out to my old address.

    Today I went to the Hammersmith Magistrates court to sign a statutory of declaration stating that this is the first I have heard of the matter but I am not really sure what good it will do me. I have another court date at the end of July (the judge told me that effectively the case goes back to the start but I had a disagreement with him, much to his annoyance, that it has in fact not gone back to the start because I don't have the chance to respond to the original letter from First Capital demanding the original penalty fare.

    I don't really know what to do. I feel it unfair that I have received no communications from First Capital and how much effort have they done to find me? After all if LCCC located me surely First Capital can. I imagine they search by name and DOB - don't think the list would be that long.

    The legal assistant mentioned that it may be possible to turn up on my new court date and settle out of court. Rather than waste time in court should I try phone up and do this beforehand? Go to court and settle beforehand? Go into court and explain the above?



    Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.







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