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Posts posted by curlysuze

  1. One thing to remember is tell the truth. Only answer direct questions s and be aware that many employers will ask loaded questions to try and trip you up to see if youre telling the truth or not




    Thanks renegadeimp, again good advice. I can't really deny it because they are bound to have the conversation records (I guess that's what they are going to show me at the meeting), not that I was planning on not telling the truth! Will be truthful but very careful with my responses.



    Thanks to both of you! :-)

  2. Try not too worry, it's an investigatory to try to get to the bottom of what has happened, if company rules have been breached before proceeding to any disciplinary hearing. It might be an idea to read your company handbook, it should tell you what you shouldn't do at work. The following is the process that should be followed:-




    Based on what you have said, I don't think so, but there are lots of different factors they would take into consideration, i.e. have you had previous disciplinary issues before, length of service, etc. I think a warning but it might not even come to that.


    Thanks, rebel11. You've gone a long way to reassuring me! I do feel better now, but just want to get it all out of the way so I can stop worrying. I've read the ACAS guide you linked to, which was really helpful.


    I think all you can say is that it was just meaningless banter and it wasn't meant to be hurtful to anyone, especially to your colleagues. That your very sorry and it won't happen again.


    You could consider writing a letter, write down all the positive things you've achieved at work, that you enjoy working there, then explain it was meaningless banter, you didn't mean to be hurtful towards anyone, especially your colleagues, say your sorry, that it won't happen again.


    Hand that in before the meeting if you think it will help.



    Again, really good advice. Especially the bit about the letter. Thing is I really do enjoy working there. Just hope my past good behaviour will be taken into consideration. It's definitely a big lesson for me to learn from. Anything computerised at work can be monitored and used against you. Which is so obvious, I feel pretty stupid for not really thinking about it before.



    Thank you :-)

  3. Hi,



    I hope someone will be able to help! A couple of days ago, I got a letter from HR inviting me to an investigatory meeting next Monday. The allegations are of misuse of the company's instant message service. I'm accused of inappropriate use during work time and making comments about other members of staff (including management).



    I think the other person involved in these conversations also has a meeting (but I'm not sure because I've been told not to discuss this with anyone).



    I feel really, really awful about it. I always had at the back of my mind that the system is monitored, but I still got involved in these conversations anyway. It was only with one other person and I was careful not to swear or say anything too terrible, but there were times I did use it to let off steam and I know I shouldn't have.



    If the other person also has a meeting, I think she could be in more trouble. She usually started the conversations on it (but I did keep them going) and was far worse in the things she said. She would often swear and make very critical remarks about everyone, colleagues, managers, even the company. I would usually only be replying to one of her comments and (unfortunately) sometimes agreeing.



    I am going out of my mind with stress. I feel like all the good work I've done has been destroyed. My manager only started at the company 3mths ago and I feel like I've made a horrible first impression on her, a black mark against my name.



    Can anyone give any advice on what the process of the investigatory meeting is likely to be? Also based on what I've said, does it sound like I'm likely to be dismissed? Or do you think I might be given a written warning instead?

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